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(Nobody Pov)
Jisoo:Ahh (check time on clock)
Oh thank God I thought we were going to be late
(At Jennie room)
Jisoo: JENNIE WAKE UP (she shout)
Jennie: Ahh who is shouting this early
Jisoo:me and quickly get ready we have tovgo magic school

I don't think we should be late on first
day now I will go wake up Rosé and you go wake Lisa
Jennie:Okay but I want sleep more
(At Lisa room)
Jennie:Lisa quickly wake up or else
jisoo will kill you
Lisa: okay okay I am wake up
Jennie: please Lisa don't sleep again and get ready quickly
Lisa: okie dokie
(Rosé room )
Jisoo: Rosie Wake up
Rosé: I am wake up already (coming from the bathroom)
Jisoo: when did you wake up
Rosé: when you shout to wake up Jennie It was to wake up a whole castle
Rosé: you go outside I have to get ready
(At breakfast table)
Kim Yong-sun:are you all ready to go to new magic school
Lisa:yeah eomma
Jennie:we all are so excited
Kim Won-Shik:Now quickly eat breakfast or you all will be late
Blackpink: Okay appa
(At Bangtan kingdom)
(At Tae room)
Jin: you V wake up I am trying to wake up for so long your are
still saying five more minutes
V: okay you I am wake up
(At Jungkook room)
Jimin:jk you little wake up I am so tried trying waking
Jimin: anyway I will now go and get ready
(At Jimin room)
Jimin:I get ready and go to downstairs to eat breakfast Jimin: everyone was there waiting for me and jk now I was sitting at my chair waiting for jk
Jk:I go downstairs to see everyone was waiting for me as I sit on my chair then my appa starting to
Kim Baek-hyun:so you all are ready
Jk:then eomma starting to speak
Kim Binna: quickly eat and go to your new school
and we all say okay (Jk and JM pov)
(Jisoo pov)
Jisoo:I was so nervous and excited to go to this new school as
I get off my car and other too then Lisa said
Lisa: you all this place is so beautiful
I am so excited and we all laugh at her cuteness.
(Jin POV)
Jin:as we all get off the car I see few girls laughing as I was seeing then 1 girl
caught my eyes but then someone shout at my which makes scare and it was none other
than V and then they all start laughing at me but then Jimin said
let's go to the this girls they also seem new then V said let's lets go to them
and said Hi
then we all go to them.
(Jennie POV)
Jennie:we all talking and laughing then we all decided to go inside the school
then few boys come and said hi then we all said hi then
they said you all are new here
Jennie:yes we are and I guess you too V:yes and lets we all become friends then as he offer a handshake
Jennie:I accept it and see are around other do the same as

(At Jirosé side)
Rosé:my name is Kim Rosé and I 17 years old
Jm:I am Jimin and I am 18 age as yours nice to meet you
as the other do the same they go inside and go to the
principal's office to get the class schedule
and the class schedule was
Jirosé at same class
Jinsoo at same class
Liskook at same class
Taennie at same class
( Time skip at lunch break )
Li: Jungkook quickly other must be waiting for they
run they saw other and quickly
run to them
Jk: sorry we are late
Jisoo/JS: it okay Jungkook now sit
R:btw for which kingdom are you from
Jm:we are from Bangtan kingdom
L:oh really I heard from eomma that she friend of yours eomma
jin/Jn: what really wait from kingdom are you from
Js: from BP kingdom
V:we heard about your kingdom and
V:my eomma also tell us about your eomma
Jennie/Je:WOW (she said it so loud that Bts and BP start to
laughing at her reaction)

at BP Palace
(Jisoo POV)
Jisoo:I was just thinking about today then someone
shouted my name
Rosé: Jisooni
Jisoo:then all the three girls come into start talking
Jennie: anyway you all what you think about the boys
we meet today
Lisa: Yeah jisooni I see you were blushing wether ou see Jin
Rosé: yeah I see that too they both
we're trying to not make a eyes contact

Jisoo: you all are just imagine
All of them: OHH
Jennie: anyway leave that topic and do you all want to ask
eomma about them
Rosé:no let's talk about that tomorrow

Rosé:now I am going to my room to sleep bye
Lisa: bye sleepé
Rosé:yay you
Jennie:Lili let's go to our room too
bye jisooni GOOD NIGHT
Lisa: Good Night.
( At Jin room) Jin pov
Jin:I was reading but jk came and said
jk:Jin do you like jisoo
Jin:I was shock
Jin: what he said and I said no of course not
what made you think that
then V said
V: you were blushing at lunch time
then jm said
Jm: you were trying to avoid eyes contact with her
Jin: nothing happened and get out of my room Now
then they all go to their room laughing after they left
( I got a flashback)
Jin: you are funny and beautiful to*he whisper the last part*
but jisoo heard it
jisoo: thank you
then bell rings
Jisoo go out the classroom and said
Jisoo: your are handsome too
Jin was startled by it and realized that jisoo
heard it and feel embarrassed but also happy
by the compliment then they go to the canteen
they can't make an eyes contact bcz they were shy then tannien came
Je:oh jisoo why you're face is red
js:oh it bcz it hot in here
Je:ohV: jin I think you also feel hot bcz your face is red too or
something happened
b/w yo two (he said in a teasing voice)
jinsoo: WHAT NOTHING HAPPENED V:chill I was just joking
then Jirosé came and liskook to then they started talking
( End of the flashback)
Jn: well remembering he laughed and said well not gonna lie
she cute then he realizes what he said well look like I am sleepy I should
now and sleep

Hi do u like the first part
Well I hope you did
Anyway my humor is not so good so if find it boring share your ideas bye.

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