Chapter 2

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(At Rosé room) Rosé pov
Rosé:goodmorning today I wake u early  than others
bcz I have to partice my strength power bcz I want control this power like other
Rosé:I know what you are thinking that I was born with
this power so I should know how to use it so let me answer
I know how to use
this power and also how to control it,it just I get out of control sometime and if you are thinking something special about me bcz of it 
no I don't think author tell you that we all have same amount of strength
stupid   author
Author:hey Rosie I am not stupid and we all make mistake okay
Rosé:I was partice my strength power and decided to take
a walk as a break as I was walking around admiring
how beautiful this park was
I noticed a familiar person at first I don't recognize this person but then
I recognize this person was Jimin but
what was he doing here and I don't notice him before so
I decided to talk to him
(end of Rosé pov)
(Jimin pov)
JM:I was just  staring  at 
sky then someone tap my shoulder
so I look around to see who was it and it was rosé and I was shock what was she doing here
(end of jm pov)
(Author pov)
R:hi what are you doing here and this early
JM:I guess I have the same question for you
R:oh I am here to partice my strength power now what about you
JM: oh I just wake up early so I came here
R: why here?
JM:oh this is my favorite park
R:oh same

R: but how came I don't see you here before
JM:oh it maybe bcz I was come at evening time
R:oh this might be the reason
Jimin see the time on clock oh no I think we should go now
the school is going to start bye
R:ohh bye
as they both run in an opposite direction then they realize
they were running an opposite direction then they started to running in a right
direction then they bumped into each other but
rosé was about to fall but Jimin caught her by her waist then they stare at each other eyes but quick get in a right position
R:ah thank you b-bye
JM: b-bye
they were both blushing and quickly run as they both went to their palace (At BP Palace)
R: as again get ready then jisoo come at my room
js:where were you
R:oh I was at park particing my power
Js:oh but why were you blushing
R:no I was not it was just hot outside
Js:ohh okay just quickly get ready and come downstairs to eat breakfast
R: okay
Js: as I get out ofRosie  room and turn around to see this two
Je:so you know why she was blushing
Js:no she just say outside was hot
L: but it definitely not the reason
Js: yeah but just leave it for now and go downstairs eomma appa is waiting for us
BP: Goodmorning eomma appa
BP/P: good morning princess
BP/eomma:so how was your school yesterday?
L: eomma school was so good and beautiful to we also made some friends
Je:and yeah they're from Bangtan kingdom
BP/appa: what it so nice to hear that
u got some friends
BP/eomma:oh u know that their eomma is my friend
Js:yes we know that
BP/appa:now eat your breakfast and go to school
BP: okay appa after eating breakfast they go to school
(meanwhile at Bts kingdom)
JM:why i am blushing oh please listen my face stop becoming red
then V came in his room
V: Jimin quickly come downstairs but first tell me why your face is looking like a tomato 🍅
did something happened when you go outside
JM:he quickly get panic and said no nothing happened okay
then he get out of the
room and said to
V don't you said come at downstairs so let go then they go downstairs
JM: good morning eomma appa and my brothers
Bts/P: good morning Jimin
Bts: good morning Jimin
Bts/eomma: Jimin can I ask you something
JM: what eomma
Bts/eomma:why your face is red
Bts/appa: yeah and trust me you are looking like a tomato 🍅
V:appa I also said that same then they hifi and all of them were laughing except jm
JM: eomma look at appa
Bts/eomma:hey V and you she scold
them while trying to control laughing
JM:also my face is red bcz weather is hot
Bts/appa: wellwell so how your school do you made some friends
Jin: yeah appa school was good
Jk: yeah yeah yesterday was definitely good for you (he said in a teasing voice)
Jin: just shut up V:and yes appa we made some friends they're from BP kingdom
JM: eomma your are their eomma friend right
Bts/eomma:yeah and I am happy you all are their daughters
friends and quickly go to school after eating Bts:okay our lovely eomma
Bts/eomma:oh this Kids
After eating breakfast they go to school
(at the entrance of the school)
Bts and BP say hello to each other
then Jm stop Rosie and said
JM:a-ah Rosé
R: what
JM:I want to give this bracelet to you
you forget this at park in the morning
R:oh thank you
after seeing this they understand
why they both were blushing
Bts and Bp except Jirosé: ohhh😯L:wow Jennie and rosé we are at same class let go
Js:I have a class with V
Jk:me and Jin and Jimin are in the same class let go
(Rosé side)
L: Rosie why don't you tells as you meet Jimin today morning
Je:and that's why she was blushing
just already tells as what happen b/w 
you two
R:I am telling you noting happened we just meet talk aLittle then we
when our way
as Jenlisa were teasing rosé who was blushing remembering today
morning but also irritated by them
then their teachers come so they all pay attention to her
(Jimin side)
jm: can you both please stop
Jk:so first tell us
JM:I am telling you when we meet we just talk as she see time she
panic and ran so fast that she drop her bracelet so I pick it up simple
Jn: okay now you both teacher is coming stop fighting but Jimin you
have to tell us true at break
JM:ahh I am telling true now focus (Time skip at the lunch time)
Js:I enjoy talking with you at class you have fun personality
V:oh thank you same to you
as they walk through the other as they arrived
Js:wow you all are here already
R: yeah bcz they were not stop teasing me
JM:same with me
as they were talking a letter arrived at their table
(their thing have a little magic too)
L:I got it ohh it a letter from eomma
je: really read it
The letter
My dear princess
I want inform you that if you finish school come home
quickly and as you said you were all friends with prince of
Bangtan kingdom bring them to
quickly come I have a surprise for you
BYE ❤️👋
Jk:we have to go to but why
L: don't you heard it a surprise
Jn:I am excited
V: yay let quickly finished the school
Je:oh we all have same class
JM: and today sir would test out power Strength attack
range too
R: quickly finished your food
after eating the bell rings
Everyone: let's go
Sir: okay everyone today I will check your attack  so get ready
everyone:yes sir
R:I am so nervous
JM: don't worry you will do great
Sir: okay now first will come Irene and blah blah blah
Sir: okay now Jennie attack
Jennie: okay sir "attack"
Sir:wow Jennie 9.5/10
Je:thank you sir
R:wow unnie you did good
Je:I know right
L: "attack"
sir was shock at how she control her power
everyone starts clapping
(Rosé POV)
As the Mr Lee called my name I become a little nervous but my unnies
and Lisa encourage me
Lisa:unnie you will do great
Is:all the best
je: fighting
JM:just trust yourself you will do great
But I was shock Jimin also encourage
me ,I mean he will as he my friend (as she say this line she feel a little sad but she  don't know why)
As I also encourage my self as I go to fight)
Then Mr Lee summon a weird animal
And he was powerful but I fight it and he die, I was so happy as heard unnies
And my makane was cheering for me.
and all of the boys too.

Do you like it 🤔BYE

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