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Everyone outside was waiting for Wendy and rosé as this two were left
Red velvet was not worry about Wendy as knew what going to happen
while black pink was so worry about rosé but Bts was Calming them and red velvet was dying of jealousy
(Black pink and Bts side)
Js: what is taking her so long
Jn: relax she will be fine
Je:how if this idiot don't come out now I will kill her
V:hey have some mercy on her (as he said that Jennie hit him on his arm )
V:ouch you said that you will kill her than why are you hitting me (he said as he rub the area where Jennie hit him)
Je:can you shut your mouth for a second (she said but the thing she don't know that she now relax)
L: unnie I am scared is she going to be alright and unnie when you will kill her invite me too
Jk:wow you just ask is going to be alright but also Planning on kill her wow just wow (he said as he received a glare for Lisa )
Jk:why are you glaring at me I just say what you said
Lisa just roll her eyes 🙄
Jk:stop rolling your eyes on me (he just said that and received another 🙄)
as they were now less tense V notice Jimin is not speaking so he go towards him
V:are you alright
Jm:yes why you ask
V:ah you are very quite now,are you worry about her
Jm:yes as she is my friend
V:oh please don't lie I know you like I mean love her and we are her friend too but we are not as worry as you
Jm:I was that obvious
V:bro you actually hide well it just I know how you feel, wait you admit how you feel
Jm: Yk I can't hide anything from you but idk what to do know
V: confess to her ask her to be your girlfriend
Jm:I want to know one thing tho
V: what
Jm:why you and Jennie are not dating yet
V:is wa--wait what
Jm: you can also not hide from me
V: what do you mean
Jm: you also love her
V:yes I guess
Jm: I think it just suppose to be "yes"
V:okay you got me I like her (as he said that Jimin give him a look which says
"Don't lie"
V: what
Jm:like or love
V:okay love her now it is fine
Jm:much better
As they all were talking they rosé came out she has her legs not a tail she don't how she did that as she just stood up she was already in hug
R: unnie I can't breathe
Je:YAY idiot what take you so long
Js:are you feeling okay so you get hurt
L: unnie if you don't find it you should not stay in a water so long.
Rosé was going to speak than a voice come from behind
Mr Kwon:Rosé do you find the shell
R:yes I find it (she said as she show the shell to everyone and Mr Kwon take it and say now everyone can rest than again she in hug)
Js:I am proud of you rosé
L:I knew it my unnie can do it
Je:well done
than they heard a cough this time it not Mr Kwon but Bts
V: Jennie you said you will kill her once she came out
Jk:and Lisa said she will support you (as both said that rosé said them a glare which says "I am gonna kill you both")
Jenlisa just smack Taekook head as they weep and rub there head as they are most innocent boy in this world ☺️
Js:rosé I think you should rest now leave them
L: unnie I was just a joke you how I kill my favorite unnie
Je:YAY Lalisa you traiter you forget your hubby
L:how can I forget my hubby (she said as she run towards Jennie and hug her)
Je: wifey you better careful with your word
Jk: what nonsense are you saying
V: hubby and wifey
Je: excuse me MR KIM TAEHYUNG I might not kill rosé but I can sure kill you (she said as she sent him a death glare and V just swollen the lump in his throat)
Jk: nonna don't be serious he just joking
Js:Lisa and Jennie come here rosé said she want tell us something (she said than she turn towards boys and bow and said
Js: thank you for conforting us today
Jn:why are thanking us we just did what a friend do
Jk: yeah nonna don't do this
V:it weird Yk I think you should go now bye nonna (they said as they all went towards their tent and Jimin don't say anything bcz he was busy staring at Rosé).
(RV tent)
Ir:why she not death yet n what toke you so long and why she have the shell
Joy: Wendy you drink potion yet you still don't do it
Ye:can you just tell us quickly
W:if you stop asking questions than I will tell you
Joy: okay now go now
W:okay what happened is(she than tell
them everything)
Ir:idk that can happen to
Y:but how
W: that's what idk too but I will find out and kill her
(BP tent)
Js: what you want to tell us
R:so listen (she also tell everything)
Js: Jennie language
L: your necklace shine (rosé nodded)
Js:we will ask about that matters with eomma maybe she knows something
L: unnie that means when we will get our power so our necklace also shine
R: what so that means I get my power
Je: maybe but it most likely to be
Js: rosé let me see your necklace again
(Author: you can see up the golden shell and rosé as mermaid and her necklace just click on it to see the full imagine.)
Js: okay now you rest
L:I want to tell you something
R: what it is
L:do you know how much Jimin oppa was worried while you were gone he doesn't speak even a little he looks like a lover who was waiting for his lover
Rosé blush hearing that but said
R:it was bcz we are friends
L: unnie other are friends too but no one was that worried about you than him
Rosé was going to say something but stopped when they heard someone voice and this voice was Jimin he was calling rosé as she was inside the tent
L: speak of a devil
R: Lalisa
L:stop glaring at me now go to him bye
R: yeah yeah (she said as she comes out of the tent)
Jm:I want to talk to you so can we go for a walk (he said shyly and rosé just chuckle at his cuteness)
R: sure why not
They start walking there was silence but it not awkward silence it was comfortable than Jimin start talking as he stop walking
Jm:rosé I want to tell you something
hearing that rosé turn her attention towards him
Jm:idk about you but I want to tell you this (he said as he take a deep breath)
R:why are you so nervous relax.
Jm:okay so listen Carefully
Jm:rosé you made me so happy you make me realize how it feels to worried about someone you love how it feels to want to protect someone you love I never thought how someone smile can brighter my day how when you got hurt it hurts me too I know rosé my confession is not so special but rosé I love you (he said while looking at her while rosé was crying she never her a beautiful confession than this)
Jm: wait why are you crying I a m sorry I didn't mean to make you cry (he said panic while rosé just chuckle)
R: idiot it happy tears I never heard a beautiful confession than this before It was very special
Jm: what does it mean
R:I love you too
Jm:will you be my girlfriend
R:of course
she said as Jimin pull her into a tight hug than they broke their hug and join there forhead together
Jm:I love you
R:I love you too
As they said Jimin eyes gonna on her lips Jimin ask for permission with a eyes contact and rosé give him by nodded as they lean closer and join their lips this kiss was full of love ,full of emotion after few minutes when they out breath they pull away they both were red they rosé said
R:I think we should go now
Jimin nodded and said
Jm:but after one thing (than he pull her into another hug and of course she was first taken back but quickly hug him back )
Jm:let's go (than he show her his hand and rosé understand and hold his hand and start walking they were not talking bcz they both were still thinking about kiss trust me if they both don't run out of breath they were still kissing , after few minutes when arrived at the tent they both were sad and both were crushing the path for being so short)
Jm: good night I guess (he said smiling )
R: good night ( she also said smiling)
than Jimin give her a peck than went to his tent ,rosé was blushing then she heard a Lisa voice
L:if you are done standing there and blushing than care to tell me what happened
R:AHH if this is dream than don't wake me up this has to be the most beautiful dream I have ever seen (she said excitedly than Lisa pull her in tent and ask her to tell everything and of course rosé did but she cut off the kiss part )
L:omg this so romantic I never expect that you will the one who will got a boyfriend first
R:I am thinking telling unnies tomorrow
L:yes I agree with you but first tell me that you told me everything or not
R:of course I told you everything
L:rosé (Lisa give her a look like this🧐 )
R: what
L:tell me Jimin and you kiss or not
Rosé don't say anything but she was blushing
L: you did
R:I never say that
L: Rosie you just blush you have grown up
R:okay you got me
Than Jennie and jisoo come hearing Lisa voice
Je: you both alright
Js:Lisa why you shout
L: nothing unnie
R:we were just talking
Js: what is about
L:I was excited thinking about what kind can have and rosé also give some amazing power that why I got so excited
Je:Lisa when you will grow up
Chaelisa:hehe sorry if disturb you
Js:we are beside you if you need anything just tell me now sleep
Jensoo: good night
Chaelisa: good night unnies
R:phew it was close
L:yeah(than yawn 🥱) I am now sleeping
R:me too
L: unnie
L:can we cuddle,it is cold yk
than they cuddle,Lisa quickly sleep
R:Lisa you are so cute aww(than she also sleep).
For Bts and V know about Jimin dating Jimin decided to tell others tomorrow they all also sleep after some time of talking.

Hey I hope you like it and it my first writing a kiss scene so I hope you can feel the emotion and can you guess who will the next couple it is Taennie, Liskook,Jinsoo .

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