Chapter 11

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(At bonfire)
Js:Lisa what took you so long
L: unnie he was taking time
Je:what happened to him he looks like someone stole his soul
L:I don't know anyway is everything is ready (trying to change the subject)
(After some time of talking)
Jm:it is so peaceful
V:yeah perfect timing to confess to someone you love (hinting to everyone to leave Jin and Jisoo alone )
Je:unnie I am going with Lisa
V: Jungkook I want to tell you something
Jm:babe let's go for a walk
Js:wait let me come too
Jin:hey let the lovebirds have their time
Js:I was going with Jenlisa
Jenlisa: unnie no wait
Js:why,  are you hiding something
L: unnie ah ah--ah (trying to think of an excuse)
Je: unnie if you come then Oppa will left alone so stay here.
After saying that both ran away
Js:okay but they I think hiding something
Jin:tsk leave them alone for some time they are not kids anymore
(After contemplating for what seemed like an eternity, Jin finally mustered up the courage to confess his true feelings to Jisoo. As he approached her, his heart was beating faster than ever before, and his palms were sweating with nervousness. But as their eyes met, Jin knew that he had to take this chance.

"Jisoo, I want to tell you something," Jin said, his voice trembling with emotion.

Jisoo turned towards him, sensing his unease, and smiled encouragingly. "What is it, Jin?" she asked softly.

Taking a deep breath, Jin spoke from his heart. "Jisoo, I don't know if you feel the same way, but I like you very much. I know I don't have a perfect confession planned, but I hope you can feel my emotions and know how much you mean to me."

Jisoo was taken aback but deeply touched by Jin's confession. She felt a warm feeling in her chest, knowing that someone cared for her so deeply. She smiled and said, "Jin, I had no idea. I think you're a wonderful person too, and I appreciate your honesty."

Jin's face lit up with joy as he heard Jisoo's response. He couldn't believe that his feelings were reciprocated. "So will you be my girlfriend?" he asked, grinning from ear to ear.

Jisoo laughed playfully at Jin's question and said, "Of course, silly. I'd love to be your girlfriend."

As they leaned in for a kiss, it was a sweet moment that they both knew would be cherished forever. The world around them seemed to fade away as they shared this magical moment together. However, they were interrupted by some rustling in the nearby bushes, and they both realized that they were not alone after all. They shared a knowing smile, happy to have each other by their side no matter what.
After that jisoo said
Js: you can come out now
while the ones who were hiding know the mess up and we're blaming each other.
L:it is your fault V Oppa
Je:how it is his fault it is clearly Jimin's fault
R: unnie don't drag my boyfriend in it to save your boyfriend
L: unnie you are so obvious
Jm:are you going to confess to her or not (he said to V)
JK was silent the whole time
Then suddenly they were all startled as they heard a voice
Jin:Are you done Fighting
Js:now let's go eat something I am hungry
R:meat let's grill meat
L: you sound so excited
R: cause I am, dud
Jm:I will grill it for you
Je:I will do it too hehe
As Jennie was grilling meat, a stray coal caught her attention. She reached out to touch it but was surprised when she didn't feel any heat. Thinking she had imagined it, she touched the coal again, but still felt nothing. Feeling emboldened, she grabbed the coal, and in that moment, her necklace began to glow with a bright, fiery light. Suddenly, a cloud of smoke erupted around her, and as it cleared, everyone gasped in awe. Jennie had transformed into a stunning creature, with a flowing red gown and magnificent wings that flickered with flames.
Liskook , and Taennie will be in the next


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