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?: What should I do now? * with a worried tone someone asks*
?: what you can do? Listen I will tell you trust me
?: how can I trust you, Irene
Irene: listen Jin I Want to do something, I would let you go, if I want to hurt you I would make you drink the love potion but did I, TELL ME DID I
Jin: but why? After all of this why?
Irene: Regret I regret, yes I might be a witch but that doesn't mean am bad, I can be good too. *He looks at her with the look "Are you serious rn" *
Irene: don't look at me like and also your girl is safe
Jin: where is she? *Irene looks at the door signaling them to enter, four of them enter*
Jisoo ran towards Jin involving him in a huge hug.
Jin: hey hey I can't breathe*she look at him, and he saw tears forming in her eyes*
Jin: why-why are you crying?
Js: I'm not
Je: stop it I am missing mine Tae, *she turns to Irene* btw how do you know we're freed?
*Just then Irene whistles, and Winnie comes out*
Irene: she was ear-dropping us that's when I caught her
R: you told her everything this easily Winnie
Winnie: I didn't tell her anything, she found out on her own
Irene: I know about my enemies, jisoo needs to touch her necklace to summon Winnie, but how can she do it with her hands tied?
Everyone in the room except Irene: OHhh!
L: anyways now what's your plan, Irene?
Irene: it is very simple, we just need to save boys. And I can do this part easily. What y'all need to do it ......*she told them her plan and all of them nodded agreeing.
Irene entered the boy's room where they were held. She enters with pin-drop silence.

V: What are you planning you witch?
Irene smirked, "Ah, V, always so quick to judge. But this time, I'm here to help you all escape." She snapped her fingers, and the chains binding them disappeared.

Jin: "How did you...?"

Irene: "Let's just say I have my ways. Now, we need to move fast before the guards come."

Jisoo: "But how will we get out of here?"

Irene: "Leave that to me. Just follow my lead."

As they made their way through the dark corridors, Irene led them to a secret passage. They crept through it, their hearts pounding with anticipation.

Suddenly, they heard footsteps. Irene pushed them into a hiding spot just in time. The guards passed by, unaware of their presence.

When the coast was clear, Irene motioned for them to continue. They finally reached the exit, where Winnie was waiting with a carriage.

Jin: "How did you...?"

Irene: "Like I said, I have my ways. Now, get in and escape!"

As they rode away from the castle, they looked back at Irene, who waved goodbye.

V: "Thanks, Irene. We owe you one."

Irene smiled, "Just be careful. The road ahead won't be easy."

And with that, they disappeared into the night, leaving Irene.

As they rode away from the castle, they couldn't help but wonder about Irene's motives. Why had she helped them escape? What did she gain from it?

Jisoo turned to the others, "Do you guys think we can trust her?"

Jin shook his head, "I don't know, but we don't have a choice right now. We need to focus on getting back to the others.

V nodded in agreement, "And we need to be careful. We don't know what Irene's capable of."

L: yeah he's right We should be careful* she held Jungkook's hand, and he made the grip tight*
Je: what about now? What should we do? Should we take this kingdom back or just leave?
R: I don't know I am feeling something...
Jm: is not right look at her and side hug, a comforting hug .*

Hi I hope you like this chap, just few more chap and the story will end , and now my update will be faster as the summer vacation start .
Bye .

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