Chapter: 26

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Jisoo woke up, and she noticed, they were all tied to a chair.
?: I love you Irene
Belong shocked, she can't express how her heart feels like crashing, but she calms herself down. She was doubting that those bitches work and her doubt confirm when she heard one of them, laughing said.
Yeri: Sis, this potion works wonderfully, I will make him drink this and make him mine.
Joy: than we'll crash those things and live our life with our loves * she evil laugh*

Jisoo let out a sigh of relief, but now one problem occurred, how was she gonna tell this to others, as the chain she was tied with was of metal? A deep deep sigh left her lips. She stared at the wall zoned out until an idea popped in.

She looked at the door handle, she used her power to open it, she then again used her power and slowly lifted the chair, She entered one of them she saw. She saw that it was Jennie who was tied unconscious. She went towards her and whispered something which woke up her.
She then tells Jennie everything from the start to the end.
Je: so what we are gonna do now?
Js: we will think about this later first we have to get Lisa and rosé and think about breaking the spell.
Jennie nodded in agreement.
Js: but before that metal this chain.
Je: What do you mean?
Js: PAPO use your powers
Je: Ohhhh! * She frees herself litheness
They both rubbed their hands
Js: Ahh! This feel good
Je: until it's not time for that now.
They both looked outside and saw no one they checked the sight was clear. Both of them looked at the roomsAtalastst, they found Lisa's room, they entered and saw rosé was there too.
Lisa: Annie?!
Js: shh! Keep it quiet.
Lisa nod
Rosé: but how do you get free
Je: it doesn't matter now, listen we have to tell you something.
Lisa and Rosé listen carefully when Jennie tells them everything.
Lisa: OMG!!!!

Listen ik I am late it's just that I thought I published this chap, and today I decided to open my Wattpad I found out I didn't. Soo I am sorry.

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