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Jin was leavitin a rock everyone was shock ,they quickly ran towards him as he drop the rock
V: hyung you okay?
Jm:how did it happen?
Jk: you did it jisoo nonna?
Je: what happened unnie?
L:will you speak?
R: unnie and oppa tell us ?
Js:Ahh will you stopped asking questions so I can tell so what happened is
Js:soo it peacefull here ,why are you nervous
Jn:no I am not
Js:yes you are you are sweating
Jn:it just I want to ask something,can i
Jn:I know it might sound wierd but do you like someone
Js:What --ummm I have a crush on someone
Jn:ohh can I know who is him
Js:no ,now let's start our meditation
Jn: okay (disappointed) 😔
Js: you look sad
Jn:I am that why
Js:why sad
Jn: really you are clueless (mumble)
Js: sorry I can't hear you
Jn: nevermind shall we start
Js:oh okay
Jn:what I need to do first
Js:so first sit blablabalab(she explain everything and Jin obtain her)
Jn:is that right
Js:yes(she closed her eyes and take a deep breath)
Jin was lost in his thoughts about what jisoo say he doesn't realize that he rise his hand a unintentionally lavitate a rock until he heard jisoo voice shouting his name
Js:Jin hey did you sleep
Jin open his eyes and yell Ahh
(End of the flashback)
Jk:so it mean you got your power
V:and it leavitin
Jm:so you and jisoo nonna is our power couple
Js: couple what you mean by that
V:he mean nothing nonna
R:umm Guys let's eat now I am hungry
L:when you are not hungry foodsé
Jm:what did you just call her
L:foodsé she is a foodie so that's why
Jm:ohh it cute , anyway babe what do you want to eat
Je:let's eat together
Jin: what my powers
Js:it can be controlled you can learn it with me or chae
Jk:are you both coming all of them are already gone
Jin:hey wait for us
Js:tsk this kids
(After eating)
L: unnie let's do a bonfire
Je:nice I want do too
R:let invite the boys too
Js:okay you and Lisa go invite them
(Lisa POV)
Unnie told us to invite them now I am outside of Jin oppa and Jungkook tent as rosé went to her boyfriend tent ,
First I check by calling them if they are here ,and I received no answer so I go inside there tent I meet a shirtless Jungkook,oh man damm he good a nice body ,I am going to melt because of his hotness .
(An: you need a hobie water right now Lisa
L:it not my fault if you see the view infort of me you will think the same
An:hey I am not dirty mind like you
L:no lie
An:I mean ahh okay and don't think dirty okay bye )
I was back to world when I voice call me
"If You are going to stare at me ,I am afraid you might melt"he smirk 😏 while wearing his shirt finally if one more second I was melted ,I replied to his questions ,I mean lie
"Ahh I was not staring I was just zone out"panic that what I was right now
"Oh zone out while looking at me shirtless ,well so you like it"
"Ye--I mean what are asking"
"Ik you were going to say yes anyway why are you here"
"We are doing bonfire so I was here to call you and oppa anyway where is oppa "I ask as I don't see him
"Oh okay I think he is already at your tent as he was gone to jisoo Nonna "he replied but his tone sound a little bit sad disappear I guess anyway I don't ask ,he was going outside as I follow him but than he wisper in my ears "don't worry this will be yours soon"his voice deep low sent shiver down to my spine leaving me speechless he go I ran towards him
"What do you mean by this idk understand"I ask playing stupid
(An:I give second chance cupid okay I will stop hehehe )
"Are you playing dumb"he ask as he a small smile which make him looks so cute ,now he looks like a cutest person you have ever seen can you believe that he is that same person who was going to melt me just few seconds a go , seeing him smile make my face have a small smile too , listen it not my fault that my face don't listen to me okay anyway I replied
"I really really don't understand"
"I will show you then "
"What do you m
I was cut off as a soft pair of lips touch mine ,I was so taken back to do anything and second it was for few seconds but he stole my very first kiss I mean it wasn't kiss but a peck but still it was nice but he still need scolding
"Yay you stole my first kiss"
"It wasn't kiss but a peck and you too take my first kiss I mean peck"
"Still "I touch my lips
"I am sorry I should know that you don't like me "what like wait he miss understand ahh I was overeating was I ,I just want my first kiss when he confess to me I mean just imagine how romantic would it be not like that ,wait if he is feeling sad that means he like ahh Lisayaa why don't you understand before than I ask the most obvious question
"What you like me"
"Isn't that obvious"
"Then why don't you confess to me "
"I need to be sure about your feeling which Ik th"I cut him off
"That I don't like you "I hit his arm
He rub his arm where I hit him"Yes and I am really sorry "
"Well you should be for getting my feeling wrong I mean it true I don't like you instead love you "
"What you love me"
"I love you I hope I make it clear "I said and ran towards our tent than leaving him speechless as he did to me while having pink i mean red cheeks
(An:that's my girl that's my girl)

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