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It was evening and Jin, Jisoo, Jennie, and Rosé are secretly practicing their powers, while the others are watching them.
JK:doll what happened, you seem a little lost (he asks as he sits beside her)
L: Kookie idk , I just Yk, thinking what kind of power I have (she stared at the four, who were having fun )
Jk:Lisa listen (he takes her hand in his) it doesn't matter much, and see Jimin and V hyung they also don't have their power, and see me I also don't. But look at us we don't care bcz we know we are still better than our hyung (Lisa laughed a little ), Yk you should always smile and laugh, it suits you better than your sulking face.
L:so you are saying I look ugly while sulking
Jk:nono(he waves his hand at her) you look cute but you are cuteness when you smile or laugh ..., but (he continues) you shouldn't smile infront of other boys, they will fall in love with you, okay understand (Lisa chuckle and nodded while he helps her to stand up, and then they went towards other direction.
R: unnie, I will now go in the water okay so stay away
Je:oh okay
Rosé went under the water as she wished she turn into a beautiful mermaid
Jm:babe you look so beautiful ( rosé blushes at his comment)
Js:Omo she is blushing
Js:what, I am just speaking true
Jin:babe don't tease her, now it's your turn
Js:tsk, okay (she wishes )
Jin:babe you're so gorgeous (jisoo blush)
R:see now who is blushing
Je: unnie it's called karma hahaha
V:Jen it's your turn now
Je:oh! Okay (she wishes while holding her necklace)
(Author:when they wish to change their form, they hold their necklaces)
V: you look powerful Yk
Jk: Nonna you all look amazing
Js:aww thanks jk
Jennie noticed while everyone was speaking someone was silent,
Je:Lili what happened?
L:what happened?
Je:I am asking you this
L: nothing happened, what will happen
Je: then why are you so quiet?
L:I just don't want to speak
(Author: if you're thinking about what kind of emotion Lisa is feeling, it is left out, and thinking she is useless compared to her sisters)
Je: you are lying
L:no I am not
(While they were talking, jisoo glanced land on them, jisoo also noticed Lisa's quietness, so she walked toward them and sat on the grass beside them)
Js: both of you (she pointed at them) what are you talking about?
Je: unnie I am just trying to make Lisa say, what happened to her
L:and I gave you my answer, nothing happened
Js:Lisa don't lie, we know something happened, it is Jungkook
Je:if he is then he is dead, for making my Lili sad
Js:hey it's my Lali (she said making Lisa laugh while she laughed her unnies just stared at her, like adoring her, and when she stopped laughing, jisoo spoke)
Js:now tell us, what is your problem
Lisa sign before speaking
L: unnie I just think, I am no good, I feel like I am a disappointment to our parents, I mean look at you, I can't help but --but compare myself to you three, I know I shouldn't do it but I just can't help (tears were forming in her big doe eyes)
Je:Lili listen, I am sure it doesn't matter to our parents what kind of powers their daughters have
Js:yes Jennie is right, the only thing that matters to them is whether their children are safe or not, are happy or not, and I am sure you are not disappoinment to any of us,
Je:and ngl I would feel the same if I was in your place and you know we all love you a lot
Js:now wipe your tears and hug us (Lisa chuckles before hugging both of them, she was feeling better than before thanks to her unnies)
L:I love y'all so much ( they were in a tight hug before someone spoke)
R:looks like they forget they have one more sister
L:yay stop speaking and join us (they were again in a hug while their boyfriends were watching them in awe )
Js:do you want to join us (they all nodded now they were in a big hug before breaking it and laughing together)
L:I LOVE Y'ALL SO SO SO MUCH (she yells)
everyone except Lisa: WE ALL LOVE YOU TOO LISA ( they all also yell before laughing their ass out at their sweet silliness)

I know this was a boring chapter but I promise I will try to make next chapter more interesting but for now work with it

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