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(Next morning)
Everyone woke up happily as their tiredness was gone but Lisa and Jung Kook were more than happy, but there was one problem going on Lisa mind how would tell this to her unnie, for now, she shrugged it off and decided to have breakfast with the others but her beautiful smile which was extra beautiful now did not go unnoticed by her sisters same with Jungkook his brothers even though he hit his head somewhere making him go dumb than he already is. But they were not the only ones who were like that, more than them their sisters and brothers worried about what happened to Taehyung and Jennie, they both were like Lisa and Jung Kook -more than them actually.
(At breakfast)
Js: hey Jen something happen to you and Lisa
Je:hmm what (she asks confused)
R:you both know giggly (while chewing she says)
Je:idk about her (stares at Lisa then rosé)but something happens to me
L:what is it (she says while chewing)
Je:now I am taken (she said happily)
R:Mmm that's good...wait what
Js:who is it
L:Ik who is it (she says calmly)
Je:do you know(she says a bit shocked while raising her eyebrows)
L:yeah you see, Jinsoo unnie is taken by Jin oppa, Rosé unnie is taken by Jim in oppa so there left Taehyung oppa who is definitely like you, and you also cherish him ( she said in a matter-of-the-fact tone)
Js: than what about Jungkook ( she says as she feels there is something more Lisa is hiding)
L:how he can be taken by Jennie unnie If he is taken by me, Ahh! (she said what thinking then quickly covered her mouth while cursing herself in her mind)
js:you both when did it happen
R:oh I see that we all are taken--Ouch unnie why did you hit me(she says while rubbing her head where Jisoo smacked her)
Js:shut up, now who will speak first (Lisa quickly pointed at Jennie, who first frowned but decided to explain it first)
Je:Lisa do you remember when we left to let Jisoo and Jin Oppa alone,(Lisa nodded) And do you remember Tae dragging me in the middle of our way (Lisa nodded) When he confessed to, so what happened is that

Jennie shouted at V who was dragging her away from everyone,
je:yay why you drag me here(she said while pouting looking cute and rubbing her wrist where Tae held)
V:sorry if I hold your wrist too hard (he says as he was really feeling sorry )
Je: no it's okay, but instead of apologizing tell me why you dragged me here, or better you can kiss me (she mumbles the part which doesn't go unheard by Taehyung)
V:okay I will do it after I tell you what I want to say ( Jennie was confused but she just told him to speak)
V: Jennie I like you, I know it is sudden(he speaks seeing the widened eyes of a girl infront of him)but I just can't control myself anymore, I just --(he takes a deep breath)just like you very much. I was n (he was cut off by a girl who was looking him in his eyes loving while her arms were around his neck then she took his hand wrapping it around her waist leaving poor boy shocked as she pinched his cheeks, she then finally spoke after doing everything things)
Je:do you know Tae you look so cute explaining your feelings for me (she says in her soft calm voice, she then continues with the same tone)I like you too, I was just wondering when you will confess to me so I can finally be your girlfriend.
Taehyung was shocked but he was more shocked when he realized she was kissing, right now, NOW He also kissed back before pulling away, and he said "Now you're mine. Jennie cutely chuckles before nodding.
(End of the flashback)

Jennie explains everything except the kiss.
Je:phew now I told you everything now it's Lisa's turn
Lisa realized she couldn't tell them that she was awake at night and then she and Jungkook became official she decided to lie as she was going to say something, a voice was heard behind them
: babe did you tell them already bcz I told my hyung and Jungkook everything
It was V who just saved Lisa who was thanking him from her heart
Je:hmm, you came at the wrong time Lisa was going to explain (just as Lisa thought she was safe, her unnie said this)
Jm:wait, Lisa, you are taken(he asks genuinely surprised)
R:idiot she is taken. by your younger brother
Jin:wait jk why don't you tell us
JK:hey hey wait, I want to but I am scared that her unnies might kill me, and I really want to live a long life OK
Js:okay so now tell us, we all are here
Lisa and Jungkook tense up a little but tell them a short story with many cut parts they Yk just kind of tell what I am trying to say they also cut off their kiss part they just explain briefly.
Jin:YAY Jennie Keep your hands away from me, they are like burning coal (he whispers yell so he doesn't gain attention )
Je:sorry oppa I still don't know how to control
Jin:it's okay
Js:I think we should practice
R:yes unnie is right who knows when we practice we might know something more about our powers
Jin: then I will come with you too
Js:umm okay babe
Je:omg unnie
Js:what , your boyfriend also call you babe
L:but oppa did you tell about finding your power to Mr Kwon
Jin:I did as the other did too Yk there are few who find their power also(Lisa nodded)
L:umm unnie why y'all are not telling Mr Kwon about your (she stop speaking when she have a glance on Irene who is  listening them, she decided to act normal so Irene do not get suspicious) about how to get our power to Yk I want us to have power to (she said confusing everyone)
Rosé was going to ask her what she meant by that when she saw Lisa signal them to don't speak and move her eyes at Irene ,then she understood why she says that and decided to continue the act
R: you are right, Jin oppa you're so lucky I am jealous of you(she said , than other understand,that someone is listening to them )
Je:now stop being jealous and quickly eat
Than when Lisa finally spoke after their breakfast.
L:so unnie I was saying at the breakfast why you all don't speak about your power to Mr kwon, he might know something as he is a teacher after all
V:Lisa is right
Jk: you are smart
L:ik (she says while flipping her hair)
Jin:stob it
Jm:it stop it hyung
Jin: whatever
Js:it is bcz Lisa you know are powers is not normal, we have powers of goddess who ,who knows where disappear,
Je:and I believe we should inform parents about this first before any other person
R:even if tell Mr Kwon, who knows that someone might heard it and create problem about it so its better to play safe , understood (Lisa and boys nodded)
L:uh when will I get my powers
Jm:me too
V:me three (he says making everyone laugh)
While they were laughing, four person were burning from jealousy,they don't heard what they discuss or say bcz they all were kinda wispering but that what they don't care about the only thing they care about is getting boys and killing girls.
Joy:I hate that they are laughing with whores
Ye:my eyes are burning seeing them together
Ir:just wait they will be our soon
Wen:how long unnie
Ir:just wait and see

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