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(Next evening)
Js:so we are going to try my idea right
L:I am right let's bring it on
(So if you don't know, they all suggest the idea of Lisa touching their necklace, to see something happens)
Lisa touched all her necklaces but nothing happens
L:ahh nothing happens
Jk:try again
She tried again but nothing happened
V:Lisa why don't you hold the things too
Je: yeah Tae is right we should try it
Then they all took their things and gave them to Lisa, Lisa held all of them together but nothing happened again, she signed but then she noticed a weird but beautiful stone she picked it up and then held the things again, soon she was covered with vines and some leaves blowing in the air, as her necklace glow and when they were gone Lisa was left looking like a goddess, goddesses of nature the most powerful while everyone in the
daze by this and also by her beauty, none of them expect this to happen.
The first one to get the shock was rosé
R: LISA (she yells, getting others to get out of the daze too)
Then suddenly all three of them hug her
je:see we told you not to worry
L:hum unnie it this real... Ouch(she shouted as she was pinched by Jisoo).
Soon the situation calmed down, but the three boys were definitely not were happy so they just made an excuse, saying they needed a nap
but others can already understand their unspoken words.
(At night)
The weather suddenly turns bad, and no one no why, it just happened, that the rain started falling, and the most panicked person there was rosè who was scared, thankfully that they were in their tent, suddenly all four of them heard thunder sound in their beside tent which was Jimin and V, they were shocked so they go to their tent to realize all boys were there and Jungkook seem a little different, suddenly, the heard another thunder and they also realized that Jungkook have not gotten his power, electric power, which was also one of the rare kind and powerful too, by realizing this Lisa hug Jungkook just to get a little electric shock by him thankfully it was not powerful to hurt anyone,
JK:sorry I didn't mean
Lisa chuckled before saying
L: I know idiot
Je:I am happy for you
Jin:yeah but please be careful
Jm:yeah I don't want to get a shock
Jk:aish! I will be careful
Before anyone could speak a very loud was heard but then Jimin looked around to realize everyone was frozen on their spot, except Jungkook who was beside him and Jimin had his hand on his shoulder, it took them a few minutes to realize Jimin had time pause manipulate power, so he quickly make them unfrozen
Je: Wtf just happened
V: really what just happened
L:I feel like we were frozen
Then Jungkook and Jimin explain everything
V: that means Jimin's time manipulation, Jungkook electricity manipulation, and Jin Hyung's levitating so what about me?



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