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Mr Kwon:so you all you have your new tasks here you have to find a flower called "airocracy"(don't ask me where I get this name idea) you can go in group or individual it's your choice but remember be safe now go
Js: I think I and Lisa will go together
and chae and Jennie will go together okay
L:but I have one question
Je: what is it
L:how we will find it sir don't say how it looks nor it's colour only it's name
Jin:it is white (he said as he came from behind with other)
Js: what(she ask with a confused look)
Jin:the flower it is white
R:what does it mean ,does it have any meaning
Jin:idk about it much but that it kind of related to goddess of air
Js:ohh anyways so you guys are all going together or you are going in teams
Jin:teams we are going in teams I am with Tae while Jimin is with Jungkook
Je:oh okay I think we should start now
L: unnie be careful let's go jisoo unnie
(After a while)
L:ahh unnie you find it (said while breathing heavily as they were trying to find it for long time)
Js:LISA I find it but I am not sure it is this flower or not
L:wait let me see ,WOW unnie it's so beautiful,and let just pick it up we ask sir if this is it or not
Js:okay(she said as she pick a flower than suddenly her necklace shine and heavy wind blow covering jisoo
now she has a wings like fairy and was in white beautiful grown

Exactly like her with some makeup and hairstyle and here is rosé one sorry that I didn't share it her part

Jisoo necklace

Jisoo wings

L: un---unnie what happened to you noo no wait what just happened
Js:Lisa I don't know did I have a wings nowAHH
L: unnie but how what happened to you and chae are you an
Js:Lisa wait I just heard something
L: what
Js:I feel the bushes move someone was here did they see me like it gonna be problem if they tell someone
L: unnie then go chase them I mean flying chase
Js: What 🤨
L:idk what I just say
Than again jisoo heard a sound than she go towards bush and move the bushes away and she see
L:oppa why are you hiding
V: what happened to you nonna
Js:wait let me explain and don't make a fuse about it
Jin: first can you go back to  normal
Js:that's what I am saying idk what happened to me and how the f**k hide this
V: don't cursed with understand
but Lisa you said something about rosé you say she was also
L: wait I did when
V: don't lie tell us we will not tell any-
Chaennie and jinkook: NONNA UNNIE
Js: thankfully Idk explain yet
Je: unnie what happened to you
R: you have
Jm:nonna your grown looks beautiful
Js:aww thank you Jimin(she say while she blush a bit)
Jk: hyung you're ignoring the point (than he wisper in Jimin ears) you are making Jin hyung jealous
Js:now tell me what to do
R: unnie try to wish to become normal again
Than jisoo did what she was told and she was back to normal and Lisa also explain everything to other and also tell boys about rosé ,jisoo still have flower ,she decided to give it to Mr kwon as it was there task now at the girls tent
Je: unnie you were looking so beautiful
L:like a goddess
R:and Jin oppa was mermorize by you
L:omg he was looking like he fall in love
Je: again
Jisoo blushing hearing all of that
Je: unnie you are blushing,tell me what do you think about Jin oppa
Js:well he is handsome knows how to cook
L:okay you see him as a husband material
Js: wait I never said that
R:the way you are describing it seem that way.
L:btw unnie I have something to tell you
L: unnie see my necklace this is now a bit different you see the white and blue part is now more bright while this green and red part is not
R:wait it happens when me and jisoo unnie you know have our necklace shine
L:I think so
Je:that's mean that we will have our power soon I hope this trip end quickly so we can ask eomma about it
Js:I also missed them
R:Lisa we should sleep now (she said while she was yawning).
L:okay sleepsé good night unnies
R: good night
Jensoo: good night
Than they all sleep.
Boys tent
Jk:hyung you should confess to her
Jm:yeah she so beautiful
V: someone might steal her
Jin:hey lets talk about it tomorrow and idk how to confess to her
Jk:I will ask Lisa about it
Jm: what will you ask
Jk: what jisoo nonna like
V:ohh than I will ask Jennie
Jm:I will rosé
Jin:thanks but now go I am going to sleep again thanks for your help
Than they all went to sleep 😴

I don't know why this happened to Me at first the photo were showing but when I upload the chapter its did not show instead of pic there was written
Object like what I work so hard finding pic which fit my imagination but this happened Ahh anyways I hope you like it bye and make sure to read my new book "WISPER OF RAIN"its is tannien book so I hope you read it and leave comments and vote for it bye

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