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V:so what about me
Je: babe don't worry
L:oppa I heard somewhere that the fruit of patience is sweet
Jk:looks who is talking(he scoffed )
L:YAY! (she hits his head)
Jin: shuuu! kids let's talk tomorrow I am sleepy now
Je: oppa who is the kid here I am not
Jm:yeah me too I am not a kid it just you are too older (saying high-five with Jennie)
Jin: yay Papo I still look younger than you, my handsome face never gets old
Jisoo shook her head from side to side and sighed in disbelief before sending others to sleep like their mother
(Two days later)
Taehyung wasn't sad anymore as she watched, how all of them were struggling to control their power, and like for example: when Jungkook was holding hands with Lisa as they walked, he mistakenly gave her an electric shock. Lisa was furious and was upset but she understood him.

And one more; when JiSoo comes to give Jin a cake she baked for him, Jin accidentally leaves the cake, and it ends up on Jisoo's face, so Jisoo ignores him for the whole two days and it is kind of funny to see them fight.

And when Jennie was cooking something, she ended up burning the dish she was making
And many more so you can say he was happy.
Now he was watching them as Jennie came towards him
Je: it's so hard
V:humm, ik
Je:umm (she drinks water which V just gave her before kissing her forehead)
Jennie smiled before lying down on his
Lap as he stroked her head. With eyes closed Jennie speak
Je: when this will end, I am so curious about me and other
V smiled warmly before speaking
V: curious kills the cat
Je:but I still wanna know(she thinks in her mind)
V: chill you will get to know soon
Je: wait how do you know what I was thinking (surprised she asked, cause she just thinks and doesn't tell him)
Causing him to be shocked too
V: What do you mean, don't you just say this to me
Je: I didn't say anything it can just mean one thing
V/Je: Ahhh! ( They happily jump, while others come quickly hearing their shout)
Js:What! Happened
L:oppa, unnie have you gone mad
V: Lisayaa I got my power
Je: it's mind reading
L:Omg I am so happy
R: now we all have powers yeah yippee
Jm: babe y'all are so(before he can continue he receives dead stare from rosé and Lisa, gulping he said) Wait but I don't even say anything
L: V oppa told us what you were thinking (Jimin dead stares at V, who just shrugs)
Jk: let's party tonight
Js: jk noo
V: he means that we should make dinner sometimes special
Jk nodded
Jin: yeah why not but you all have to help, otherwise forget it
Je: did I need to help too?
Js: yes Nini you too
(Other side)
Joy: unnie you are not doing anything
Wendy: This girl already stole our boys while we were sitting, doing nothing to get our boys
Ir: you all you have some patient
Yeri: yeah yeah you all should have patience until they get married right (mocking Irene she says)
Irene: I am so fucking tired of y'all brave enough, go do things on your own, don't come to me when things failed
Yeri: I will show, wait and see Jungkook will be mine soon,
Joy: count me in too
Wendy: me too
Irene: but don't do anything to my Jin, if anything happens to him, I am warning you, you all will be dead
Joy: don't worry I am just interested in my Tae
Wendy: I am also interested in my one and only Jimin
Joy : my Tae is so handsome how can I looked at other boys unnie
Yeri: kook is just perfection Yk just looked at his face
Wendy:Jimin is the cutest
Irene : jin is the most handsome, he is world wide handsome Yk
Yeri: No my ..
Ir: shuu end of the discussion, if you want fight go outside,
Joy: Unnie
Ir: get out if you are going to say anything more
As she said that no one speak and soon they settled down .

I don't have any idea so I end up writing this , I am sorry if this so bad .
Happy birthday Yoongi 🐈 I hope you stay safe.💜


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