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?: mommy! Why don't you tell me story, I can't sleep*a little cute voice said entering Lisa ear, She look at her with a smile and nodded *
Lisa: sure why not my baby but promise mama that you will sleep after this .
*The girl look at her blink twice like she was thinking about it than agree*
Luna: okie promise .
Lisa: so which one you want to hear? *She sat by the bed romming her hand in her hair *
Luna: Ahhh-huh-ahh!! The one you left unfinished you have to countine from what happened after the war .
Lisa: okay so After the war we all me and your aunt went on the Palace and found out about our mothers, we found that we weren't sister at all I mean we did knew that but It was still a shocking fact, Anyways After that we discovered many things about our mothers we got to know their basic things but the most deepest thing too my friends and I went to the palace and learned some surprising things about our mothers. We discovered what they liked, what they were good at, and even some secrets they kept. It was like getting to know them all over again."
Luna: "Ooh! Like what secrets, Mama?"
Lisa: "Well, we found out that our mothers were all very brave and strong women. They had to make some tough choices to keep us safe. And we also learned that they were all connected in ways we never imagined."
Luna: "Wow! That's so cool! What else happened?"
Lisa: "We also found out that we had some special powers inside us, passed down from our mothers. It was like a special gift to help us on our own adventures."
Luna: "Powers?! Like what, Mama? Can I have powers too?!"
Lisa: "ofc one day, sweetie. But for now, let's just enjoy the story. So, where was I? Ah yes... so we learned about our mothers and our own special abilities. And then we went on to have some amazing adventures of our own..."
(Girl's eyes start to droop, and Lisa smiles)
Lisa: "I think that's enough for tonight, baby. Time for sleep. Remember, you promised!"
Luna: (yawns) "Okay, Mama... I love you..."
Lisa: "I love you too, sweetie. Goodnight!"
*Just as she come out she saw that the light was off , her brows frown remembering she didn't close them , while she was in her deep thoughts someone grap her wrist feeling the familiar touch her shoulder which was subconsciously tense , relax*
Lisa: Jeon what are you planning this time?
Jungkook: oh come on ! I didn't even do anything also Mrs Jeon spend some time with your husband too *he scoffed like a Chile making her chuckle seeing she was laughing at him , he scoffed more , he pull her closer to him and start tickling her making her also breathless from laughing too hard*
Jennie: Tae rin stop running
Tae rin: I will just don't feed me this *she point on the vegetable on Jennie hand*
Jennie: Aish! I am done only your appa can handle you *she sign as just than she heard the door open and saw her son and Taehyung come with a ice cream*
Jennie: TAE I AM HERE TRYING TO MAKE THEM EAT HEALTHY AND HERE YOU ARE GIVING THEM ICE CREAM* She was fuming but all her angry gone when her little son come and said in his cute way*
Jun: EoMmA dOn't bE anGRry I tOLd aPpa tHat I wAnt TO Eat iCE crEaM *Jennie was melt by her son but keeping her cool she bend on his level and say in a calm tone*
Jennie: darling you should not eat ice cream in winter okay! If you do, you will get sick and if my baby got sick mama will be worry, Do you want mama to be worry?*he shake his head as a NO *
Jun: but can I eat now
*Jennie smile and say Yes, She feel a hand on her waist she turn around and saw her man , he kissed her cheeks*
Taehyung: it's my fault but next time it won't happen*she tip top and peak his lips than take her ice cream and sat *
Rosé: babe I am tried*he ignore her words*
Rosé: BABE! *He turned and look at her with eye brow rise *
Jimin: chae you have to walk also I am carrying him rn how can I give you piggyback ride
Rosé: tsk! OKAY fine but you have to buy me my friend snack *with that she started walking*
Ranseok: appa! Eomma eat so much but why didn't she gain weight
Jimin: well--about that she exercise with me every night
Ranseok: what exercise?
Jimin: you don't need to know okay now let's talk about what you want to eat .
Rosé: Yay! Pali you are walking like a snail
*They also caught up with her and started walking *
Ranseok: good thing my other two brothers didn't come .
Jin and jisoo were cuddling when someone knock on the room door.
Jin: come in *the door open reveling two little figures with a pillow*
Jisoo: what happened?
Eunsoo: mummy I am scared
Jin: so why don't you sleep with your brother
Eunsoo: I want to but he also scared
Jiho: appa we want to sleep with you can we ?
*Before he (Jin) can answer him the little kids come up to their bed and made themselves comfortable*
Jiho: appa ik you are going to say YES so let's just slept *with this he hug his mom who was dying out of laughter seeing her husband face, she hug him back and said*
Jisoo: honey sleep now it's getting late *And soon they all slept hugging each other with a smile on their faces*

                            ~THE END~

Thank you for showing all the love and support on this book, As this was my first story their are some mistake so it might be not good but you all still show stop so for it Thank you very very much Bye see on the next story .
Love you'all .💜


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