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Their animal's name.
Jisoo one: Winnie(girl)
Jennie one: Max(boy)
Rosé one: Fifi(girl)
Lisa one: unicorn: Dashing (boy)
               Fox: Eva ( girl)


Lisa: Eva now ( as she said that Eva threw a fireball, and she kept throwing until Lisa stopped her)
Lisa: good job Eva. *smile*
Eva: umm, but I think I can still better it.
JK coming from the behind said
Jk: Eva I like your spirit ( he comes closer to Lisa, and kisses her cheeks)
Lisa: Eva I want  you to rest now, ( saying that, Eva enters in her necklace)

Jisoo: Winnie stop flying over my head now, and please become the small bird ( she told her bird who was now an eagle)
Winnie: that means we are stopping right, hey! Jisoo plz let me rest
Js: huh! *Sign* okay
Max looks at Jennie, looking done
Max: can you stop eating each other, when it's training time * he said to Jennie and Tae*
Jennie embarrassed broke the kiss
Jennie: okay!
Jimin: hey Rosie stop playing with water
Or else I will tell Jin Hyung
Fifi: Aish! You don't even let us enjoy
Rosé: ignore him and turn into a starfish
She smiled as Fifi did
R: wow! It's so cute * while Jimin facepalms himself*

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