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After what happened with Jennie everyone understood, they were shocked at first, but then they discussed it, and then after some time, everyone was in their tent sleeping except Lisa.
Lisa cannot sleep after what happened between her and Jungkook no matter how hard she tries, she just cannot get Jungkook out of her mind, so she decides to take fresh air, to clean up her mind.
She was now sitting on the grass admiring the beautiful view of the sky which was shinning with a beautiful moon and stars, the sky, the night was today somehow was special, the cold breeze hitting Lisa was making her chill, it didn't bother her, she was actually enjoying it, and it did make her forget about him and make her relax, she was busy watching the sky and the lake which was also shinning because of the moon, that she didn't realize the footsteps behind her.
"Are you not feeling cold?" a voice says as the owner of the voice puts a shawl on her startling Lisa, then Lisa speaks as the other person sits beside her.
"Can't sleep?" she asked
"Yeah, what about you?" the other asked
"Same, cannot sleep "The latter then raised an eyebrow, with the face says 'WHY'
"cause a STUPID HUMAN occupied my mind, that's why I was here so I can take fresh air, so my mind can take a break from that idiot "the girl explained
"Was this stupid human name Jungkook "The girl nodded
"So it means I was on your mind the whole time "The other just stared at the sky ignoring the boy while the boy just chuckled at her cuteness.
After a while, the boy again spoke,
"You know without any makeup you still look beautiful" The girl blushed but didn't say anything, but the boy's next step startled her as she felt a pair of

Big hands start rubbing her small hands
(A/N:what were you thinking 😏)
The surprised Lisa asked
"What are you doing"  The boy smiled and then spoke
"Rubbing your hands "
"But why "the latter asked, you could see a pink tint on her cheeks as the moonlight hit her beautiful doll-like face, the lover boy just smiled wider than before as he stared at the beautiful sight in front of him, and then he answered questions, as she was looking cutely confused.
"Bcz you get sick as it is cold in here "
the doll was now red but then she removed her hands from his and said
"Thank you, but I can do it, you don't have to do it"
"But I want to do it, and I can do it all the time, "the other says as he takes the hands into his hands again.
The flushed girl asks, OH BOY she asked so many questions
"Why would you do it" She of course knew the answer but she wanted to hear it from him, for his mouth, the boy was obviously taken back by her questions but he already decided to tell her everything or at least be honest.
"Maybe but I like you, or I love you a lot" the doll then asked again in a playful voice but soft and cute too
"Choose one, Do you like me or love me "
He surprised her as he came towards her, their faces were just inches close, she thought he was going for her lips but instead, he came close to her ear, disappointed she felt but his words made up for it, as she heard him whisper, his voice was husky but clam and soft
"I LoVe YoU more than you can imagine "To fully make up for the disappointment she felt, she quickly put her lips on it as he slowly removed his face from her ears (idk it sounds weird but I just can't find the right words )
He was obviously taken back as he didn't expect her to do it but once he knew what was happening he also kissed her back, it was very short but very sweet and the surroundings were a paid actor and the scene looked like it just came out the movie, as they pulled away he asked
"So it means yes"  The doll pretended she didn't understand and spoke
"What do you mean by yes, you don't ask me anything" The boy understood she was right he didn't ask her anything so then he quickly ask
"Miss Lisa will you be my girlfriend" The girl laughed before nodding and saying yes
"Yes I would love to be your girlfriend" Then they both sat in silence for some seconds before he sat beside her and put her on his arm now her face on his chest while his hands wrapped around her, the doll speaking with her voice full of love,
"I love you "The bunny was obviously in nine clouds but he pretended cool and decided to tease her a bit
"I know, you love me so much that you can't wait to kiss me "The girl was a little embarrassed so she hit him on his chest, while her boyfriend spoke while laughing
"Sorry sorry "his girlfriend stopped hitting him
"I love you too doll, "he said as he wrapped his arm around her more,
The doll speaks "Doll, it is a nickname for me "The boy nods and asks while staring at her "Do you like it" The nodded "I guess I should also give you a nickname"
"Oh so what is your nickname for me, "the boy asks, the girl then says "What about bunny "
"Bunny, why"the confused boy ask
"Humm bcz you look like bunny, and I like bunny too so bunny it is, "the girl says happy with the nickname she gave him, while the boy just laughs, he can't control him as he Pat her head, also messing her hair
"Yay" the doll yelled at him while having a small smile. After sometime
The atmosphere was so comfortable and peaceful as they sat in silence in each other arms that they were going to sleep before the girl speak
"I think we should go now I am sleepy"The bunny also yawned and nodded but he felt disappointed a little.
As the doll stan dusting herself while the bunny do the same
after it, she was going but the boy stopped her and say
"Where's my goodnight kiss" the boy pouted, the girl shyly gave a kiss to the boy and said
"Goodnight bunny "while he does the same
"Good night doll "and then they went to their tent, thankfully no one was awake as everyone was tired so they slept deeply and Lisa and Jungkook also slept while having huge smiles on their face.

Hey I hope you like it, I am actually happy with it, I think I improving a little
Anyway, now there is only Tannien left so what do you think?

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