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(Next morning )
Bang pink are now eating breakfast
R: unnie I want to tell you something
Js: um mm (while chewing)
Rosé take a deep breath before speaking
R:I am dating Jimin
Js:okay -wait WHAT
Je: Lisa you knew it (ask bcz Lisa does not react as she already know)
Lisa nodded as all her attention was on food ,totally uninterested in this conversation
Je:you told her first
R:she found out actually
Js: when you both start dating
R:yesterday ,yesterday night
Li:she meant before yesterday
Je: oh okay so that mean she and he
L: yes they kissed
R:Yay lalisa I will kill you
Je:before you kill her I will kill you
Js:wait Jen she never said it was mouth to mouth I mean it can be Che
L: it was mouth to mouth
Js: Yay Chae you are death
Je : unnie leave her u think it was jimin.
he is dead meat
She said as she make her way towards BTS tablet where they were eating breakfast
Js: yay Lisa stop eating go now and stop her or Jimin will truly dead meat
L: no one  let me eat in peace (she mumbled as she went toward their table)
(Jimin  POV)
I was going to told Jung kook and hyung about my relationship with rosé but some yell my name " Jeon Jimin"
sounding so angry as it was going to kill me I look around my hyung and Jung kook and Tae were also surprise than Tae point toward where and I see an angry cat coming toward us
je: Jimin let me tell you don't you dare to hurt my Rosie or I will make sure your brothers find you in the dept of 6tf under the ground
I feel like my voice won't come out seeing her treathing me like that I mean who knows that this princess can scared you like that but one thing for sure she find out about us but why she angry than at her next sentence I understand
Je:she is innocent don't you dare to do anything and the kiss you do it was bcz I wasn't present or else I would make sure you were eating your breakfast right now
than my hyung speak the way he sound you can tell he was jinfused
Jin:what are you talking about?
Je:I think he doesn't tell so he is da
L: unnie you don't kill him how he is breathing now (she ask while breathing heavily)wow all of them want death what did I do so wrong
Jin:now I am more confused someone please tell me
(End of Jimin pov)
(Nobody pov)
than Tae help me
V:he is dating rosè that why they all are reacting like this I am also confused tho why they want him death I mean I want too but still Yk
He say making Jungkook and Jin shock and making Jimin hit him
L:oh about that he kissed Rosie that's why I mean she is 18 but whos gonna tell them anyways that why both my unnies is now a angry bird (she explain that part in clam voice but suddenly her voice ton change to more furious one not too much more like irritating one)
Yk jisoo unnie make me ran after Jennie unnie she don't even let me finish my breakfast and make me run ahh I hate Rosie I mean she can told them after breakfast but no she decided to tell them now
R:yay Lisa it not me who told them it you
Js:girls now stop fighting anyways congrats Jimin and rosè and Jimin I am warning you don't ever hurt her
Jm:okay okay now please relax you too angry birds
Je:Lisa this is bcz of you I swear that
Jk:oh please she just say the truth nonna you should see your face
V:yeah I want to take pic bcz your face looks so funny but too sad that I can't
L:see unnie I was just telling the truth
R:now can we eat I am hungry (said cutely)
(Now they are at one table eating)
Jk:Nonna I want to ask you something
(He ask jisoo who nodded at him telling him to ask)
Jk:I noticed something about your necklace
V: what is it
Jk:that you three have like one color necklace but Lisa she have the three colors you you three have but also one different
Js:jk that what we also don't know
V:yeah jk is right but one thing more the color white and blue are more bight than red and green
L:oppa you are right and we also noticed that but we don't have answers so we are waiting for this trip to end and we can ask eomma about it who know maybe she knows something but one thing I am sure about is that why Jennie unnie get her power my red one will become bright like other two but I am not that sure too I mean it just a theory
Jin:wait how you both get your power
R:I get my when I was underwater than a fish give me the golden shell than my necklace shine and I turn mermaid
Js:and I get my when I pick the airocracy flower and my necklace shine and I have wings suddenly and than Yk
Je:oppa I think I got what you are thinking
L:you both touch something and than your necklace shine like the flower and shell
Jm:that mean Jennie and Lisa can get their power when they touch something related to their power I guess
V:so what it could be
Je:hey remember Jin oppa told us that the flower is related to the goddess of air
L:wait I also read somewhere that the golden shell is protected and we can not have it easily bcz it some kind of related to the goddess of water
Jk:so you are telling us to find what thing is related to the goddess of fire
and goddess of-
Js:yes you are right but
R:why do we have this power
L:we can not be fully sure that all of us are cause now it only both of you
Je:but Lisa look at our necklaces jisoo unnie have wings and her necklace too ,rosè has mermaid tail so does her necklace,mine is fire but now I don't have power and yours --
Jm:hey cover your mouth if you sneez
I get gems all me.
Jin:jimin I am your hyung
Je: don't start a fight now
than Jungkook remember what Jin hyung told them the confession it just suddenly pop in his head than he told Jimin and Tae about it
V: Jennie can you come with me for a second
Jk:Lisa I want to talk with you too
Jm:babe I think we should go now
Rosè nodded while blushing as Jimin called her babe
Js:wait why you are suddenly going
Jin:yeah why
V: hyung you are really forgetting something remember
Jin:ummm wha-ahhh jisoo let them talk don't worry they are just talking ,umm do you want come with too meditate it will help with your power (what nonsen are you talking)he mumble to himself but was shock when jisoo agree
Js:yeah let sure
(Btw all of them was gone why Jin get the hint so now they were alone)
Now they all vminkook and chaejenlisa were together
Je: what do you want to talk about better be something important
L:yeah we were talking about something important
V:is jisoo nonna like someone?
Je:wait you like unnie sorry to tell you I don't approve you for jisoo unnie she deserves someone better like Jin oppa
Jk:he is asking for Jin hyung
L: unnie don't worry he is all yours
Je:yay Lisa what are you talking about
V:so you want me for all you I don't you have such intentions
R:okay leave them tell me why you wanna know
Jk: hyung like nonna so he want to confess to her but he don't know what kind of date she like of course he can not ask her directly so he ask us for help so we are now asking you for help --phew (he said in one breath)
L:umm hehe  we also don't know
Jk:WHAT You ARE HEr Sister
L: don't shout we also don't know bcz we never ask nor she tell us
R:but we can ask her now
Je:but won't it be suspicious I mean it suddenly
L:nah we can use rosè dating as the advantage
Je:yes nice idea
Je:but wait a minute what we will get if we help you
V: you can have me(wink)
Jk: nonna don't be like this we are also doing it for nonna
Jm:are you not gonna be happy if your unnie finally fall in love and have a nice man as our hyung
Je:okay but he better don't hurt her
L:hey but you three can at least treat us Lunch
V: aren't you all are princess
R:yes we are but it just different fun so deal
Than they heard a screame
Ahhhhh. They recognize the voice and ran to see Jin was -
______________________________________________________________Hi I hope you like this also check out my other books
If you are tannien fan than make sure to read "Whisper of rain"
And if you are Jirosé fan than make sure to read
"Flavors of destiny"
In both of my story my writing style is quite different bcz I am trying new style so ,and make sure to check my other books too .

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