chapter 4

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(One week later)
Js:Yay Jennie can you not see carefully you almost run over my foot
Je:sorry unnie next I Wii be careful (she said while making a cute face)after seeing her cute face jisoo just melted
Js:okay but next be careful this time I forgive you but next won't
Je:okay your highness (she said while she bow with one hand on her stomach)while jisoo just chuckle then they both heard a voice
Jin: you both want to come or not
Jisoo and Jennie: okay okay we are coming (they while they walk in)
V then help Jennie with things while Jin with Jisoo then Mr Kwon Start talking about few things after while when the bus start all BP and Bts just talked.
L:hey Rosé and jisoo unnie see
Then she pointed at cute Tae and Jennie, Jennie is sleeping at Tae shoulders while Tae head is on her head
R:they look so cute Omo
Js:yeah you're right
Jm:I really think they can make a cute couples
Jk:I want to click picture of them
L:wait I have a camera (then she pull ovt her camera then she take a photo of them and also with everyone)
(Time skip)
Mr Kwon: students quickly graph your thing.
Jn and js: Jennie and Tae wake up now
Je: okay unnie (said in a sleepy voice)
V:just five more minutes
Jn: hey stupid you're not at home now you're at bus if you don't wake up Mr Kwon will surely make you
Taennie:we are wake up no need for Mr Kwon
Mr Kwon:so we will rest than we will start, so students first make your tent ⛺ ( then all the students weep)
Then Mr Kwon said if you don't make a tent then you will sleep without a tent so now go quickly
Then all of them start doing what Mr Kwon told them
?: don't you think they are close to our princes
?: yeah look how they all are laughing
?:and look how prince are helping them
?:they are sl*t also I really think they do their magic to make our princes fall in love with them
?:joy I really agree with you
?:but don't worry Wendy we are witch
?: Irene is right we can use our potion to make them fall in love with us
Joy:so is this your plan yeri
Yeri: yeah
Irene:now let's go,let them enjoy their time after all in the end the prince will be our
Wendy: enjoy your time one last time
(While at Bangpink side)
Jisoo:Rosé do you heard some voices I think they are coming from bushes
R:I don't heard anything thing unnie
Je:can you two stop talking and do your work
L:yea learn from me and Jennie unnie we are doing are work without talking
(then rosé and jisoo come closer to them and said)
R:well it bcz Jennie unnie is busy staring at Tae oppa
Js: while you staring at Jungkook
chansoo: you both are busy staring at your crush
Jenlisa: what no he is not my crush neither do I was staring at him
Je: don't tell me you don't notice yours crush also staring at you
L:like Jin oppa is staring at jisoo unnie like she is his world (after hearing that jisoo become red tomatoe)
Je:see you're blushing and Jimin is staring at rosé like his life depends on it (now rosé was blushing)then Jk come
Jk: nonna what are you talking about
V: yeah tell us
L:no oppa we were just talking about something it not important
R: yeah
Jm:why rosé and jisoo nonna is red
Jn:is they are having fever
Js:oh it bcz it just hot in here 🥵
Jn:oh okay
Jm:so you all make your tent
Je: yeah it almost finished
Jm:then let me help you
Je: thank you (then Jimin start helping Jennie and they were talking and laughing while seeing this there were two people was feeling jealous and definitely not happy to see that)
Lisa notice this
L: oppa are you okay
V:yes why are you asking
Seeing that she walked towards Jennie and pull rosé with her
R:Lili where are you taking me
L:one second unnie
then she went towards Jennie while rosé beside her
L:oppa rosé unnie will help you I want talk with Jennie unnie sorry (then she pull Jennie with her now rosé and Jimin were left alone)
R:let me help you (then she start helping Jimin)
Jm: thank you (there was awkward silence bcz no one dare to speak after
doing there tent there nothing to do then Jimin said)
Jm:do you want to talk a walk yk we are done and nonna and hyung are busy (he said awkwardly)
R:oh okay let me tell jisoo unnie so she don't worry (then she tell jisoo and then they went for a walk)
(Meanwhile Jenlisa )
Je:Yay why you pull me
L: unnie don't you notice that rosé unnie was jealous seeing you with Jimin oppa (she don't tell V was also jealous)
Je: what really
L: yeah that's why I left them alone (then she pull Jennie with her again and go to Taekook direction)
L:oppa where is Jin oppa and jisoo unnie
V:they went for a walk they also ask us but we let them have them have there moment
L: Jungkook can you come with me for a second (jk seem do understand what she when she moved her eyes at V and Jennie)
Jk: yeah sure why not (then they left now Jennie and V were alone).
Je:why don't we also take a walk
V:ok, (after walking for a while V start talking)
V: Jennie what kind of power you wish you have
Je:idk there are lots of power I wish I have but I wish I have fire power but Yk we can't have these four powers
V: yeah it will be amazing if we can after last queen who have these four powers left no one have ever seen this powers again
Je: yeah but what about you
V:I want ice power you know turning thing in ice it fun
Je:wow nice
after that they talk more and become more comfortable as they talk more
( At Jinsoo side)
Js:so you want to levitate things
Jn: yeah and it will be easier to wake up these sleepyhead I can just levitate them
Js:nice (she said while laughing so hard)
Then Jin notice something and said
Jn:wow you have a beautiful laugh and smile
After hearing that jisoo feel that her cheek heating up
Js:th -thanks (why you shutters)she wisper to her self
Jin notice the pink tinted cheeks and he just chuckle to himself
Js:why you laugh
Jin: nothing now let's go to tent everyone will be waiting for us
Js: okay (as she said that Jin grap her wrist and pull her towards the tent direction jisoo was shock so she don't say anything).
Hope you enjoy this part and this is the longest I have ever write 1181 words .
Next part will be Jirosé and liskook
BYE 👋❤️

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