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Welcome to the very first chapter, I hope you enjoy!~~

Amelia pov:

Beep beep!

Beep beep!

Beep beep!

My eyes opened at the sound of my beeping alarm, annoying me as my hand searched for it, silencing it with a hard bag of my fist.

"Five more minutes..."

I mumbled to myself, closing my eyes again and slipping back into the comfortable walls of sleep as I pulled the thick blanket over my head to avoid the light that shone through the single window in the room.

Minutes later, I was finally ready to completely wake up and experience hell as a heavy sigh left my lips. My eyes lifted to the clock, almost bulging out of my head as I saw that the so-called five minutes of more rest turned out to be a full thirty minutes. I jumped up from the mattress lying on the ground, panicking as I realised that I had only twenty minutes left to get everything ready.

"Shit!" I cursed to myself, regretting that I decided to walk down the lazy path. I swear that I would be ready to give up my whole career just to have that extra five minutes of sleep.

I made my way through the packed room, removing my ironed clothes that I left on one of the boxes. I ran out of my so called room and bolted into the bathroom, immediately hopping into the shower.

A satisfied smile met my lips as I felt the warm water run down my body while I cleaned myself, hoping that I wouldn't be in the shower for too long and miss my interview.

After a fifteen minutes shower, I hurriedly dressed myself in a simple black pants and red buttoned up shirt -to establish a formal look- with a pair of over worn black shoes. I pulled my hair into a slick neat bun and sprinted down the dusty staircase to the restaurant below as the amazing smell of patties filled my senses. "Woke up late again?" Carlos chuckled, his Spanish accent flowing smoothly with his words like a waterfall as I rolled my eyes and grabbed a burger from a random plate that was most likely meant for one of the customers.

I ran out of the restaurant with the burger in my mouth as I waved to Carlos before jogging to the bus stop in a hurry, praying that I wouldn't be late for my third interview this month.

Yes, third.

My eyes lightened up the moment I saw that there were still people waiting at the bus stop, indicating that I didn't miss it. I ran up to the other people, slightly bowing my head as a greeting while I stood under the small shelter provided, hugging my jacket tightly to my body as a cold breeze passed us.

My foot tapped impatiently onto the concrete floor as I waited for the bus, hoping that it won't be the cause of me arriving late at the interview. This was an okay job and was much better then having random men fuck me for some change. I unconsciously frowned as my thoughts started drifting off.

Who would've thought my life would turn out this shitty?

I knew that this could quickly be solved if I got over my pride and asked my dad for help but I refused to hear him tell me, "I told you so."

It all happened about a year ago when I got into a relationship with a man involved with the Russian Mafia. My dad wasn't really concerned about the part where he was involved with the Mafia- since he was the underboss of the French Mafia- he was more concerned about my ex boyfriend, Giovanni being part of the Russian Mafia. It wasn't old news that the Russian and the French empires hated each other so my dad didn't approve of our relationship, he wanted us to break up but I was stupid and naive back then. I believed that Giovanni and I's love was real, so I moved out of my Dad's home to live with Giovanni. Our relationship was okay for the first few weeks but after two months, I noticed that his attitude towards me had switched up, he was aggressive and constantly came home drunk or high. Three months later, I caught him with a random bitch in his bed and I broke up with him right then and there before taking my things and leaving.

I refused to come in contact with my dad, so I tried crashing at a few friend's homes but that didn't work out, so I had no choice but to sleep in the streets before going lower than low and selling my body to get money to atleast feed myself.

After weeks of living this fucked up lifestyle, Carlos found me in one of the alley ways, high and vulnerable. He pitied me and offered some shelter in his restaurant. I still sell my body for some money to pay Carlos and have for myself but I've been searching for a new job since I moved in with him.

The sound of a bus stopping filled my ears and ripped my thoughts away from me as I moved my legs and stepped into the bus before paying the driver and climbing in, taking a seat.

As I sat, I noticed a random old guy staring at me weirdly but I decided to ignore it as I plugged the earphones into my phone and listened to music for the rest of the ride.


I felt a soft tap on my shoulder before my eyes opened, revealing an old woman, "This is the last trip darling," she said with a withering voice. Upon hearing this, I felt my heart practically bounce out of my chest as I realised that I had missed my stop.

"Shit. Shit. Shit!" I jumped up from my seat, exiting the bus and stepping outside. My eyes quickly analysed the busy streets before I realised that the company was just a few minutes away which caused a relieved sigh to leave my lips. I ignored the lady's yell behind me as I ran in the direction from where I saw the tall, familiar building.

I bumped into a few people on my way to the company, mumbling soft apologies as I pushed through the bodies. When I was finally standing in front of the tall building, I was breathing heavily -tired from the jog- as I walked through the doors, immediately seeing a lady at the front desk and I rushed to it.

"Hi, My name is Amelia Leroy, I came here for a job interview," I spoke the words quickly and the sour looking lady looked through some files before answering in a bored tone, "I'm sorry Mrs but that interview started about fifteen minutes ago," a frown formed onto my features before I spoke again. "I don't get it, how can the interview start without me?"

"You were late and there was a second person waiting for an interview. Your name was called and you weren't here, so someone else was interviewed in your place," my eyes widened at the realisation that I had probably lost the opportunity of getting this job as I scoffed in frustration. "You can't fucking do that, tell them that I'm here right fucking now!" I yelled at the woman as anger filled my senses. "That won't be possible Mrs, now please exit the building peacefully before I call security. "

I banged my fist onto the table before muttering curse words to her through gritted teeth, "Fuck you!" I knew deep down that I was at fault for this but I still threw a tantrum anyway while I stomped out of the company, followed by a string of curse words to myself.

I was about to wave my hand for a taxi but before I could, I felt a vibration in my pocket. A sigh left my mouth while I removed my phone and unlocked it, seeing that it was a message from one of my regular customers requesting for an immediate 'relief'.

I decided to accept the session and I immediately started walking my way to the man's house since it was just fifteen minutes away.

I guess Im fucking old men for change again...


How was the first chapter??

It was kinda boring to me but don't you guys think that most first chapters are supposed to be boring??

Vote if you liked this chapter and don't forget to look after your gorgeous self 💋

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