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Have a nice read!😘

Amelia pov:

I was lying on the bed, thinking about the kiss that had happened the night before. The feeling of Rina's lips against mine was glued onto my mind as my fingers trailed along my lips.

I'm acting like a teenaged girl after her first kiss...

My thoughts tried to humble myself as I turned my body, pushing my face into the pillow and proceeding to scream, having no other way to let the excitement leave my body as my feet were kicked into the air too. I felt slightly embarrassed about the way I was reacting over a simple kiss.

But the noise she made when I treated her wound...

I slapped myself on my cheek, forcing me to wince in pain as I felt the slight burning sensation on my skin. Despite the hurtful slap, I repeated the action, desperately trying to stop the dirty thoughts of Rina trying to invade my mind.

Shut up.

Shut up!

It's just a stupid kiss, I've done more than that. Stop acting like a immature teenager!

My thoughts were suddenly interupted by the sound of the door unlocking, making me shoot my head in the direction from where the sound originated from. The door opened and I saw Rina entering the room, looking as neat and calm as always. Seeing her face suddenly increased the volume of the dirty thoughts clouding my brain, instantly causing me to blush as I lifted my body from the bed. I tried hiding my flushed face by looking at the ground, hoping that Rina wouldn't notice.

Rina closed the door behind her before slowly making her way towards me and with every step she took, the pace of my heart fastened.

She was finally standing infront of me and I scraped all of the leftover courage that I had together and looked her in the eye, trying hard to contain myself. Upon looking in her eyes I noticed that something was different, I couldn't really tell but her aura wasn't as cold as it always was when she stood before me.

"So about last night, thank you again for saving me. I honestly don't know what would've happened if you hadn't decided to help me Amelia."

She just said my name.

For the first time.

I felt this weird feeling of excitement surge through my body as I heard my name roll from Rina's tongue, loving the way my name was coated in her Japanese accent.

I nodded my head up and down, printing a soft smile on my face before replying, "It's no big deal, you're also the one who saved me from getting shot. Thanks for taking the bullet for me." My eyes fell down onto her abdomen. "Are you feeling okay?" I asked, trying to ignore the way her stare on me was so intense.

She nodded, making me move my gaze to the ground, not knowing what to say to her or how to keep the already awkward conversation going.

"So-," before I could even try to spike a conversation up, Rina's lips met mine. The second I felt her kiss, I gladly returned it as Rina's hand quickly traveled down my body and I moaned into the kiss, loving every second of it. I ignored all of the voices in my head ordering me to rip away from Rina's lips and I pushed my body against her's instead, making the voices soften down a bit as my mind was now clouded with lustful thoughts instead.

My hands were about to travel up Rina's body, wanting to feel her abs but a wince left her lips, reminding me of the wound on her stomach. I muttered a small apology before we continued to kiss again while I carefully unbuttoned Rina's shirt as her lips traveled down my neck, causing more moans to leave my lips.

Once Rina was topless, my eyes trailed down her tattooed body as I removed my sweater and smashed my lips onto her's, obsessed with the way her mouth was so soft and plump.

In a span of seconds, both of our clothes were removed and we were left naked, now lying on the bed and kissing every part of each other's bodies. In this moment, the world around me failed to exist, it was only Rina and I touching each other.

I could feel Rina's lips trailing down to my thigh as she stopped to suck a hickey on it, making my body react in a way I never thought that it would. Her hand ran up my stomach, soon meeting my boob as she tightly gripped it before pinching my nipples, making me let a loud moan out as I bit onto my lip.

"Please... Rina," I said her name, liking the way she knew exactly where my sweet spots were as I could feel her lips on my private part, eating it out while I gripped onto the pillow behind me. "Hmm?" she hummed against my pussy, sending slight vibrations on it as my toes curled in pleasure, causing another shameless moan to erupt  from my lips.

"Please... Stop teasing me," I begged, wanting her to continuously touch me as she paused to look up at me. "Say my name then," she said in a sly voice as her finger caressed my virgina, making me bite my lip much harder, causing little blood to seep from it. "Rina~," I moaned in a breathy tone, closing my eyes at the sensation of her lips and fingers against my cunt.

"I'm sorry. I didn't quite catch that," She said, pressing a finger inside of me, my warm walls tightly gripping against it as another loud moan erupted from my lips while I breathed heavily, wanting more of Rina and desiring her body.

"R-Rina~," I cried out a bit louder this time and I could feel Rina push another finger into my slick hole. My leg slowly started to tremble as I attempted to control my rapid breathing, waves of pleasure running over my body as Rina ate me out and fingered me simultaneously.

My leg was now violently shaking at this point and I felt myself climaxing as Rina's fingers still explored my insides, the lewd noises overwhelming me as my eyes rolled to the back of my head.

After that one climax, I had countless more after that. Rina's body against mine felt amazing as she tugged onto my hair while we rubbed our clunges together, each of us panting at the amazing feeling of it. As time went by, my body slowly became more and more tired because of all the pleasure that I was experiencing, but it wasn't the same with Rina. She seemed like an endless pit of energy as she kept on pleasing me, making my throat start to feel a dry sensation because of the moans that constantly left my lips. 

Rina and I's bodies melted together in pleasure as we enjoyed each other, not caring if anyone else in the mansion could've heard us.

By the time that we finally stopped, it was already pitch dark outside and I  panted, feeling satisfied and tired. I easily drifted off to sleep, not even noticing Rina leaving the room in the middle of the night...


Yayy!! I finally updated after a while, I'm kind of starting to settle into my new home.

And I just wanted Y'all to know that I'm a complete failure when it comes to writing sex scenes between two woman😭

I already mentioned how much I hate using the words 'pussy' and 'virgina'. I was so desperate that I googled for synonyms:

I even considered using 'beef curtains' but I knew that it would be a major turn off so I just used 'cunt'

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I even considered using 'beef curtains' but I knew that it would be a major turn off so I just used 'cunt'

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