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Don't y'all just find Russian accents so fucking hot?

I was asking a stranger to help me with something earlier today and the only thing I could focus on was her Russian accent 😩

Which accent is your favourite?

Amelia pov:

"What the fuck is happening here?"

The familiar voice boomed through the room that was now silenced by the dangerous tone it held, also preventing the book from being smashed into my face by the blonde girl above me. The room was so painfully silent that the only thing that could be heard was the two maids and I's heavy panting.

As I lied on the ground, I carefully watched Rina's pissed facial expression with a pounding eye from below the woman sitting on my abdomen, holding the book with a trembling hand as her eyes slowly traveled to Rina. I also watched the way Rina slowly analyzed the position that we were currently in and the way the blond girl still held the book above my face.

When Rina finally locked eyes with the trembling maid, she quickly threw the book to my side out of panic, causing a breathe of release to leave my lips as she lifted her body from mine and stepped into a corner, cowering in fear. The other maid stood at the opposite side as the blonde -with fidgeting hands- as she gulped deeply with her eyes glued to the ground, fearing to look up at the scary woman.

As Rina threw intimidating stares at the trembling maids, I slowly lifted my body from the cold floor, softly wincing when I felt a painful sting in my side.

"一体何をやっていると思う?" Rina spoke in Japanese -her voice carrying a heavy threat with it while her dark aura followed closely after her as she took wide strides in our direction- causing the two girls to look at each other with bulging eyes filled with pure horror before nervously stuttering foreign but slurry words out, not being able to form simple sentences as Rina now towered above both of them. (What the fuck do you think you're doing?)

"自分の立場と自分の価値を知るべきだ、その汚い手で大切なものに触れてはいけない," As Rina spoke again,  I continued to lift my injured body, not understanding a word that left her or any of the other two girl's mouths. (You should know you place and your fucking worth, don't touch something precious with those filthy hands of yours)

Both of the girls held extreme fear in their teary eyes, quickly bowing their heads down in submission and I could only assume that they were apologizing because they also went on both of their knees and kept continuously repeating the same incoherent Japanese words to the woman hovering above them.

But as their rambling went on, Rina aggressively gripped the blonde girl by her hair's roots, pulling her head back up as she could only whimper in pain. This action took me by complete surprise as a shocked gasp left my lips.

Even if she was caged under the tight grip of Rina, the girl still managed to slur more words out as she sobbed, tears rolling from her eyes uncontrollably. Her voice cracked as she rambled on, her sobs being filled with fear as she begged for mercy but -unfortunately for her- her pleas fell upon deaf ears as Rina's merciless grip didn't loosen one bit.

I could feel pity slowly creep into my chest as I watched the girl cry helplessly - and even if she had bullied me just a few minutes ago, I couldn't help but feel sorry for her, the sight of seeing somebody cry so hysterically always managed to hit a soft spot in my chest.

As the girl's cries continued, Rina suddenly hit the girl's head into the bookrack that stood behind her, causing another gasp to leave my lips as my eyes widened. This heartless action caused the brunette maid to cover her mouth in horror as she watched Rina now repeatedly slamming her friend's head into the bookrack.

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