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Hi cutie ;)

Amelia pov:

The colourful, dim lights around me were blurred out as my body moved on it's own accord. My lips were on a random guy's as we made out in the middle of the dance floor, his hands on my waist going lower each time I softly bit his lip.

The kiss was wet and lazy and his mouth tasted like vodka as he devoured my lips, he then pulled onto my waist, groping my boob as his other hand rested on my ass. Then suddenly it felt some type of switch must've flipped in my brain as I was not as into it as I was a few seconds ago. My brain was suddenly functioning again and I realised that I was feeling nauseous, I was definitely not ready to barf in someone's mouth.

I disconnected his lips from mine before pushing him away, making him frown and try to pull me back but I had already pushed my way through the crowd, looking for the bathroom but failing in finding it. I held my hand on my mouth, deciding to forget the bathroom as I made my way to the exit. It took a while for me to get to the main exit before I stepped outside and immediately barfed in a random bin, a few girls at the side giving me filthy looks as I balanced myself and pulled my phone from my pocket.

When I switched the device on, my eyes squinted, seeing that it was 3am. I sighed, making my way to the restaurant that was just two blocks away. I fixed my messy hair and clothes, telling myself that I should take a long shower before bedtime.

I arrived in front of the restaurant's doors and noticed that the lights were still on, I opened the door, a frown on my face as I saw Carlos sitting on the stool. "Why are you still awake?" I questioned, blinking fast as I tried to fix my blurry vision. I could see Carlos shake his head before he stood up and walked to me. "Amelia, this needs to stop," he said, looking disappointed as his voice sounded tired and guilt flooded my senses as I shifted uncomfortably.

"You can't go drinking on a random day, ignore everything else and then come home piss drunk, go to bed and repeat the cycle, it's not okay, you need to be more responsible Amelia. You need to get a real job, to start looking after yourself, you need to be able to make money and have your own things, because as much as I love having you here, I can't have you chasing my customers away when you're in a bad mood or coming from a club, you must stop this," seeing Carlos look and sound so serious was foreign to me, he was always chill and happy, disappointing him made me feel bad and I gulped, not knowing what to say.

"I'm sorry Carlos," I finally muttered out, seeing his eyes soften as he embraced me in a hug. "I'm saying this because I care for you, I don't want you to mess yourself up, this is a sad sight to see," I nodded at his words as he let me go with a smile. "Now go upstairs and take a nice shower, I prepared a nice dinner for you," I smiled and thanked him before walking up the stairs, mentally slapping myself for disappointing the one person that cares about me.

I walked into the room that I slept in and looked in one of the worn out cupboards for my pyjamas before going to the bathroom and taking a long shower.


I stepped out of the bathroom, feeling a bit more sober and cleaner then I felt before showering. I made my way downstairs before grabbing the bowl of pasta left for me on a desk by Carlos, who must've gone to bed already.

I sat down at one of the tables of the restaurant before digging into the delicious pasta, humming at the pleasant taste of the cheese melting in my mouth and other flavours mashing with it too.

My phone vibrated and I picked it up, getting a notification from an unknown person, requesting for my body. Carlos' words rang in my head and I was about to decline the person before my eyes slipped onto their profile. I tapped onto their profile to look at their other information and my eyes widened as I saw that this client was rich and payed people lots of money.

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