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Hello my pretty human 👽

have a nice read and please drop a vote, it would be very much appreciated 😘

Amelia pov:

I sat at the library, tapping my fingers impatiently against the desk. It has been two full weeks since that night, it seems that Rina was purposely ignoring me, she didn't even eat at the table or she just stayed at work for most of the days.

In these past few weeks, I was granted more freedom. I was allowed to go to the library and I could freely eat at the table, but I refused to do so. Rina wasn't there and I would be the only one feasting on that huge table, so I preferred the room.

I was very confused as to why I was still here, I knew that I was basically useless now. I wasn't aware of what Rina would decide to do with me now that I couldn't help her in any way, the only thing that I could do was hope that she wasn't planning anything too harsh on me.

I sighed, not knowing what to expect.

When was I gonna get kicked out or killed?

They have no use for me now, so why am I still even here...

"Madam," one of the maids suddenly called out to me, causing me to rip away from my thoughts as I looked up at her. "It's time to go to your room now," she sent a soft smile my way as she slowly strode towards me. I pulled my chair out and followed behind her, slowly making our way to my room.

As we strolled down the hallways, there were many maids passing by that bowed down to me respectfully while there were others that -not so sneakily- threw filthy looks my way. Jasmine, one of the maids informed me that there was jealousy amongst some of the maids because of the relationship I had with Rina. I didn't understand any of that, Rina and I just happened to sleep with each other once or twice... There was nothing special about us.

Oh stop lying to yourself, you have feelings for her.

The little voice in my mind said, making me quickly shake my head in protest, not wanting to admit it but deep down I knew that it was very much true.

The maid unlocked the door for me, allowing myself to enter the room before the door was closed behind me. I allowed a huge puff of air to escape my mouth as I dropped my body onto the bed, not knowing for sure how I was supposed to really feel about my situation. I didn't know why Rina has been avoiding me for these past few days and curiosity was slowly doing an amazing job at killing me.

Is it because she doesn't like the way I acted while we had sex?

Is it because she hates my Dad?

Why is she ignoring me?!

These thoughts were now becoming so overwhelming that I banged my head against the pillow in frustration. I hated being left in the dark like this, I hated just being ignored with no explanation.

After resting my head deep in the fluffy pillow for a while, I finally decided that the best way to put my mind at ease was by taking a long shower, so I carried some clothes to the bathroom before hopping into the warm shower and happily allowing my thoughts to drain with the water.

After taking the long shower, I finally exited it, feeling very refreshed and exhausted as I made my way back to the bedroom. Without even properly cleaning the bathroom, I plopped my body onto the bed, quickly dipping my figure under the covers before slowly slipping off into sleep.


My eyes fluttered open, noticing that it was already dark outside judged by the dim moonlight shining through the closed window. I sighed, realising that I didn't just take a 'short' nap. I stretched my body out as I released a silent yawn. I suddenly felt a dry sensation in my throat, so I lifted my body from the bed, still half asleep as I dragged my feet to the door and opened it, noticing the security guard standing outside, the poor guy was struggling to keep his eyes open.

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