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Hello again!

Enjoy! <33

Amelia pov:

The hot water flowed down my body, allowing me to relax as I sighed, regretting that I had hurt the man from yesterday in an attempt to escape but only for me to fail. Earlier when the maid came to bring my breakfast, she wasn't as cheery as always. She looked moody while avoiding eye contact and I completely understood why.

I turned the water off before sliding the glass door open and exiting the shower, looking at my pale skin in the mirror indicating that I haven't really been in the sun for a while. I grabbed the towel and dried my body.

I zoned out as I wrapped the towel around my body, doing the movements slowly as I walked to the door, ready to exit the room. My clothes- that were left for me in the cupboards when I arrived here- were lying on the bed and I dropped the towel and grabbed my underwear, slipping it on before I heard the door suddenly open. Rina walked into the room, causing me to let a loud squeal out and embarrass myself. I suddenly became very self conscious and I realised that I was only wearing a panty.

I grabbed the towel from the floor, quickly wrapping it around my body as Rina shamelessly watched me. She didn't even remove her eyes from my figure while she scanned my body which made me feel absolutely naked under her gaze, even while having a towel to cover up.

My cheeks were still warm as Rina snapped out of some kind of daze that she was in before stepping closer to me, not knowing how that small movement made my heart so excited and as much as I hated it, I couldn't help but feel this way. I knew very well that it was wrong. Rina was a dangerous woman, she was cold and hated my Father for some unknown reason.

Rina interrupted my thoughts as she opened her mouth, "Your time is up," I frowned in confusion, not knowing what she was speaking about before realisation set in.

I have to contact my Father.

"Now get dressed," I unconsciously followed her instructions , grabbing my clothes before freezing and looking back at her, expecting her to give me some privacy to allow me to dress but she made no move to exit the room or even look away. Her eyes were glued to me and that movement in my stomach doubled as I could feel my heart starting to get excited and I sighed softly.

I grabbed my bra, gulping as I turned away from Rina, feeling her stare on me as I slowly dropped the towel. I then put the bra over my chest, struggling to clip it as I let a breathe of frustration out, feeling embarrassed as I knew that Rina was watching me struggle so stupidly.

I'm such an idiot.

My actions were interupted as I felt those familiar cold hands on my back, making me gasp and instinctively arch my back at the contact. "Relax. I'm helping you," she simply said before clipping my bra successfully. I held my breathe as I felt those cold fingers trail down my spine and all I could hear was my intense heartbeat.

I closed my eyes at her touch, silently and secretly enjoying the feeling but her hands were then removed from my body, making me feel somewhat disappointed as I turned back around, awkwardly tucking a hair behind my ear.

Rina cleared her throat, indicating to me that I should continue dressing and I immediately grabbed the shirt, quickly slipping it on before doing the same with my pants.

Once I was fully dressed, I awkwardly stood still and watched Rina like a pathetic puppy waiting to go on a walk. Her eyes raked over my body, making me feel slightly insecure and self conscious about every small detail of my body, feeling as though she was judging me with only her eyes.

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