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Hello my dear Fatherless being😍

I hope you enjoy this chapter😋


Amelia pov:

Rina's lips danced against mine as we passionately made out, her hands slowly traveling up my body as I sat on her desk with some of her files surrounding me, messily scattered all over the tiled ground.

It had been two full months since that night that Rina and I decided to become girlfriends and at first, Rina pretended that it didn't happen at all. I was completely ignored for the first few days by her -which by the way pissed the hell out of me until I decided to confront her. I later found out that she was under the impression that I was just saying all of that nonsense because I was drunk but I then reminded her that I was infact very much serious about us dating.

And then after that discussion, everything else just slowly fell into place...

And when I say slowly, I mean slowly.

There were days where she would touch me, kiss me and hold me like I was her only source of food and then there were other days when it seemed as though she couldn't or refused to look my way or even be in the same presence as me. I would spend hours wondering why she would suddenly throw the cold shoulder my way and there were even days where I would consider confronting her -but then she would be back to the loving girlfriend and I'd drop it all in order to withhold the peace in our so-called relationship.

But I have to admit that I didn't really think everything through when I popped the awkward dating question. Rina was still a Mafia leader and she still killed many people and she was still a very dangerous woman and this list could go on and on...

I wasn't even sure if I was completely safe with her.

I didn't even know when she would get fed up with me and pull the trigger.

I quickly pushed those thoughts to the back of my mind and I slowly brought myself back to the more pleasing reality as Rina kissed a hot trail down my sensitive neck, causing another moan to erupt from my sinful lips and she then nibbled onto my hot skin, marking my neck with tiny red hickeys... lots of them actually. "You smell so damn good," she seductively whispered to me, her hot breathe fanning above my tiny neck hairs as I released another lewd moan, loving the way she praised me whenever we were intimate.

My hands traveled through her long and silky hair, loving the way it always felt and smelled amazing. My left hand stayed tangled up in her beautiful hair while my other right hand went to touch her perfect body, I felt every part of my skin vibrate every time Rina's hands touched my figure and I could feel my insides clench when her hand slowly slipped to my boobs, proceeding to tightly grope it in a possessive hold. I released an embarrassing whimper as I greedily grinded my hips against Rina, wanting her to touch more than just one place.

Luckily, she got the message and her hand left my boobs, soon traveling down to my crotch, causing me to eagerly open my legs for her like a shameless and needy slut. I bit hard onto my lips in excitement, impatiently waiting for her to touch me down there, and I almost orgasmed the moment her hand squeezed my inner thigh. My pussy clenched in my wet panties at this action and I let a desperate whine out, silently begging for her to stop teasing me.

"You're so impatient..," Rina muttered to me in a low voice with a smirk following closely after. "Please just touch me Rina," I begged in a breathy tone as I kept my teary eyes shut, soon hearing Rina's amused chuckle before feeling her hot hand traveling higher towards my crotch.

I opened my legs even wider, happily welcoming Rina's fingers as I dripped in my soaked panties, feeling Rina's teasing hand crawling up to my pussy and I bit my lip even harder, soon tasting my blood but I payed it no mind as my clunge throbbed at the excitement. 

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