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We finished the first ten chapters💃💃💗

Third person pov:

Amelia opened her eyes, blinking them a few times in order to fix her blurry vision as she slowly analysed her surroundings, realising that the sharp morning sunlight didn't stab her eyes as it always would.

She lifted her body, stretching her arms into the air as she released a yawn, soon looking around the foreign room that she had woken up in.

Then all of a sudden, the lewd memories of the night before hit her like a speeding truck, causing an unwanted pink blush to form across her cheeks as she roughly pushed her head into one of the nearest pillows. Having her head shoved into the soft pillows caused her to receive the luxurious scent of Rina off of it and she gripped onto the soft surface, enjoying the smell of it before she quickly removed her face from the pillow, finally deciding to stop her childish fit.

She hurriedly bolted up from the bed and proceeded to rush out of the room, wanting to be as far away from Rina's room as possible.

Amelia made her way to the kitchen, passing a few maids and bodyguards that she had noticed were throwing knowing looks her way while other threw her rude and nasty glares, making her self conscious of the lack of clothing she had on. When she finally arrived at the kitchen, she grabbed a red apple from the refrigerator and decided to chomp on it as she greeted the maids that were  preparing breakfast.

"Good morning miss Amelia," one of the middle aged maids greeted her with a smile and she politely returned it, swallowing the food in her mouth before replying. "Good morning," the other woman's eyes then fell to her clothing before she spoke again, "I see that you and Miss Tanaka were quite busy last night" the words caused a blush to warm her face up as she violently coughed and then set the apple down onto the kitchen counter. The woman rubbed her back as she chuckled, Amelia then tried to stutter an explanation out.

"N-no- it's just... We're not-, " before Amelia could continue her awkward blabbering, a maid interupted them, soon relieving her as she was given the opportunity to leave the room while the lady was distracted.

Amelia was making her way to the library, wanting to push her face into books as a form of distraction but as she walked, she suddenly heard an ear piercing scream coming from afar, making her stop right in her tracks.

She stood in that still position, wondering if she heard correctly but after standing still for a few more seconds and not hearing another sound, she shrugged and continued walking, assuming that it was in her head.

This was the exact reason why she needed to isolate herself from people for a bit, she was starting to hear and see things, she was very much convinced that this place was slowly driving her insane.

What if this was all was just an hallucination? What if she was just dreaming or even in a coma? What if she and Rina didn't sleep with each other the night before? What if-


There that noise was again and Amelia now knew for sure that it wasn't just in her head. She stood still again, realising that it was a person screaming, she looked at the maids and butlers that passed by, but they all seemed to ignore it or pretend that they couldn't hear anything.

She debated for a while whether she should just ignore the sound like everyone else or investigate it.

There must be a reason why everyone else is ignoring it...

She thought to herself but finally decided to allow curiosity to win as she rushed towards the noise, the sound slowly becoming louder and louder. She was now much nearer to the noise and could clearly hear that it was a male's voice screaming in pain. Her heart was now racing in anticipation as she slowly walked down the dark stairs that led to some huge basement. Amelia heard more unknown voices speaking in Japanese, some even chuckling but she kept moving her legs, making her way down the staircase.

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