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Hey sweetie😘

You look beautiful today

And everyday <33


Amelia pov:


The sound of my voice must've flipped a switch in Rina's brain, which caused her to blink multiple times before letting of my neck, panting.

"Amelia, I-," she didn't finish her sentence as she climbed off of me, her face still looking as if she saw a ghost, "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to-," she stood up from the bed, shaking head as she gripped onto her hair. I coughed as I held onto my sore neck, slowly recovering as my pipes finally got the amount of oxygen that was needed.

I stood up, making my to where Rina was standing in the corner, breathing fast. She seemed to be in shock from the nightmare that she just had, "Rina, are you-," I tried to string a sentence together but Rina interrupted.

"Stay away!," I finished at her voice, stopping my movements as I frowned in confusion, "Just stay the fuck away from me, I don't wanna-," she was turning again, breathing heavily as she was also struggling to find the needed words.

"I need to get out of here," she said, making her way to the exit but I stepped in her way, not wanting her to leave without an explanation, "Tell me what's wrong Rina," she shook her head, slightly shoving me out of the way but I resisted, refusing to move out of her way and I could see the anger rise onto her face.

"Get out of my way, I won't repeat myself again," her voice was threatening as she stared me down with the same empty and emotionless look that she used to throw at me just about six months ago when we met.

"I'm not going anywhere Rina," I whispered, trying hard to maintain eye contact. Rina snapped, grabbing her gun that was on the desk next to the bed, making my eyes widen as she pointed it to my face, she looked unrecognizable as she seethed the next words through her teeth,"Get the fuck out of my way before I plant a damn bullet in your brain."

I was surprised by this, I didn't expect Rina to ever threaten my life, left alone point a gun at me after we started dating, she was always gentle with me. She threatened others, killed others and spoke to them like they were animals but that was never directed at me until now. My mouth was open, tears prickling at my eyes as I looked into Rina's red ones.


My voice sounded so soft that I couldn't even hear myself while a tear flowed down my cheek but Rina heard me, I could see the emotions flicker in her eyes, going from anger to regret, then guilt and another look that I couldn't put my finger on. She dropped the gun, "Amelia, I'm sorry. Fuck," the gun was thrown back onto the desk but I didn't let my guard down, not being able to predict her next move.

"Why would you point a fucking gun at me," I said, anger slowly rising as I could see the same on Rina's face, taking two steps back I slowly shook my head. I didn't want to believe that this just happened so I just convinced myself that it was a nightmare, hoping to wake up soon with Rina's arms wrapped around my body but I knew damn well that this was real.

"Get out," Rina whispered softly, expecting me to obey but I refused, "Why are you suddenly acting like this?," I asked, I knew that it was probably from the shock of the nightmare but why would she gunpoint me?

"Get the fuck out!," Rina yelled and it took every nerve in my body to not just shrink and run into a little corner. "No, tell me why you're acting like this!," I yelled back, my voice being slightly weaker than Rina's.

Rina walked to me, looking me dead into my eyes as her face was only inches away from mine. "Because you're a fucking reminder, you remind me him!, YOU REMIND OF WHAT HE DID!," confusion flooded me as I wondered what she meant.

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