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This chapter is pure smut so scroll to the next chapter if you're not into it!

Now for my naughty readers, Enjoy!

Not my corny ass calling you guys naughty 😭

Amelia pov:

"There's no rush darling, you can go slower." Rina whispered in a low tone as her lustful gaze rested on my undressing body. With a seductive glance thrown at Rina, I slowly swayed my hips side to side as I gently discarded the clothing from my body, filling Rina's request in.

A smirk reached my lips as I unclipped my bra, slowly removing it and my boobs instantly bounced at the freedom as I watched Rina lick her lips in a greedy manner. My hands soon slipped to my skimpy panty.

With only the sight of my exposed breasts, I could easily tell that Rina was tempted to rip the clothes off of my body herself; but she somehow managed to contain herself and stay still.

I was slowly trailing my fingers along the edges of my underwear, purposely teasing Rina while I felt my insides clench together at the sight of Rina staring at me that way with her bra also discarded, showcasing her perfect pair of boobs under the unbuttoned shirt.

I finally slipped my lacy underwear down my legs, watching Rina's eyes tell me many different stories as her eyes trailed up and down my body before she gestured for me to stride her way. My heartbeat was already far too fast for its own good as I took slow steps to her, licking my lips as Rina pulled me closer to her by my waist

I was now hovering above her while she leaned down on her back, her eyes looking up at me as her hands wrapped around my lower back. Rina's plump lips pressed against my stomach and I could feel the warm liquids of my vagina slip down my leg as my arousal was just too much for this sight too make it increase.

It would surely dry my pussy out if more cooch juice decided to escape.

My hands smoothly traveled through Rina's silky black hair, soon gripping onto it as her fingers slipped to my wet clunge, forcing me to let out a soft moan at the touch of her fingers glazing against my pussy.

She quickly lifted her body from the bed and then pinned me against the wall- almost too easily- that stood behind the bed as my leg was lifted by her arm, allowing her to have enough space to play and tease my hole.

Holy shit.

No lube was needed since I was already embarrassingly soaking wet with my own juices. My nipples were hard and perky as Rina's hands met them, but even if her hands were very cold, it still made me heat up in all the places that they touched.

She slightly twisted her fingers around my nipples, causing me to bite my lips in pleasure as Rina's other hand was still teasing my aching and needy hole. Her lips met with my neck and she sucked on it like a vampire, and I was already so overwhelmed by all of the pleasure that I was receiving in different places that I didn't even know which part required most of my focus.

Rina teasing my virgina, her hands teasing my nipples or her nibbling on me in the right places of my neck.

"Aah~," I moaned out as Rina's teasing finger finally slipped into my wet hole, filling it up with her beautiful hands as the walls of my virgina tightly clenched around her finger. After just staying still between my walls for a few seconds, she then finally started thrusting in and out of my hole as the noise from my lips couldn't be controlled.

I had the strong urge to cover my mouth to avoid the embarrassing sounds from escaping them but I knew that Rina would just rip them off in order to hear me.

I needed her to go faster so I softly squeezed her arms, signalling for her to fasten her pace but she ignored it, continuing to tease me with her slow pace.


"F-faster," I moaned out, not being able to piece a full sentence together. "Please Rina, go faster," I started begging with a crying voice, letting the last if my pride leave the room as I shamelessly moaned louder.

"That's right, beg for it Amelia," Rina whispered in my ear, making me speak again with trembling lips, desperately wanting Rina to work her fingers inside me.

"Please, please Rina... Please go faster," I begged, crying out with closed eyes as I felt Rina's evil smirk against my neck.

I desperately clenched my walls around her fingers as I moved my hips up and down, wanting to feel her fingers even more. Rina stared down at me with a cruel smirk before holding my hips tightly with one hand, stopping all movements.

An unhappy whine was heard from my mouth as I gripped Rina's shirt in a begging manner, then locking my teary eyes with her sharp and seductive ones. A tear slipped down cheeks as I bit my lip.

But just when I was about to explode, Rina finally moved her fingers with a better pace, making me bite down on my lip so hard that I could taste the blood coated onto my tongue. Her fingers moved in the right places -as always- and I whimpered everytime she'd curl them up inside of me and touch my g-spot.

I could already feel myself nearing my climax but just at the highest point of my release, she removed her fingers from my insides, making me open my eyes with clenched teeth and watch her open the drawer next to the bed. I then lifted my jelly body from the bed and sat on the drawer, watching her shuffle through it before removing a belt and a vibrator from it.


I watched Rina in confusion, wondering what the belt was for. "Rina, what is this-,"  before I could even finish my question, Rina was already  pinning my hands up to the bedframes, wrapping the belt around my wrists almost too easily as she tied them above my head.

A pink tint was left onto my cheeks as I stared into nothing.

I didn't expect things to turn out this way -with my hands tied with a fucking belt- but I knew that deep down, I was enjoying it, the feeling of excitement surging through my body.

I suddenly feel the vibrator being pushed into my hole as I moaned and jumped at the sudden contact, loving the sensation of Rina's hands touching me in parts of my body that nobody else could or dared to explore.

Rina left a kiss between my thighs, as she always did- before switching the vibrator on, making my whole body flinch at the feeling of vibrations rushing through my insides. Lewd noises filled the room as Rina's mouth was found on my boobs, softly biting my nipples as my body trembled in pleasure.

"A-ah~ Rina!"

I had completely forgotten about my hands being tied up as I moaned out for Rina while she worked through my insides and boobs. My legs trembled tremendously as my back involuntarily arched while drool slipped down the side of my mouth.

I loved how she knew every inch of my body and how she could easily please it. She knew where to touch and where to avoid touch.

Only she knew my body better than I knew it myself.

"Rina~" I moaned out yet again as my eyes were rolled to the back of my head, legs shaking uncontrollably as I struggled to contain myself. I was slowly falling apart infront of Rina as I felt myself orgasm.

But the vibrations kept going, even after my orgasm and Rina's touches weren't helping as my body went back into heat in less than three seconds, barely even having any time to process my first orgasm. Rina was abusing my body with way too much pleasure.

And all I had to say is that it was a very, very long night...


I decide to add some spice into this chapter with the belt and vibrator so let me know if you like the normal or spicy smut better.

Vote if you enjoyed reading this!


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