141 6 10


You wanna make your day better?

Slap your shortest friend☺️

It would definitely brighten your mood up👍

100% recommend it!

Amelia pov:

I groaned in annoyance as I held the abused lamp in my hand. It's been two days since I've been brought to this place and since that time, I haven't seen Rina again.

The lamp dropped to the ground as I sighed in defeat, sitting on the floor and gripping onto my hair, holding tears in as I let a frustrated scream out, hating the fact that I couldn't get out of this room.

All that had been happening in these past few days was that I was stuck in this stupid room, with nothing to do but stare at myself in the mirror and at the white ceiling. Three times a day, a maid would come into the room with a man accompanying her, insuring that I don't attack her and escape. She would bring me food and clean the room before leaving again.

As I stared at the wall, an idea suddenly popped up in my head as I realised that it was almost time for her to bring dinner. I jumped up from the ground, jogging to the bathroom and letting the water run in the bath before exiting and closing the door behind me, hoping that the water would overflow by the time that the maid and security guard arrives.

A few minutes later, the familiar sound of the door unlocking was heard and I jumped up from my bed, standing in the middle of the room like a statue, making a frown form on the maid's face as she entered the room before placing her usual friendly smile back onto her face. "Good evening madam. I came to bring you your dinner," I forced a smile onto my features, hoping that it wasn't written all over my face that I was planning something sketchy.

The maid's eyes fell to the lamp lying on the ground and embarrassment flooded me as I remembered that I had forgotten the lamp on the floor. She walked towards the lamp, wanting to pick it up but I stepped in front of her before she could reach it. "No, it's okay. I'll clean it up myself," I smiled and she gave me a grateful look before turning her body, ready to exit the room. I took that opportunity to look behind me and below the bathroom door to see water.

"But I do need help with one thing," I spoke quickly before she decided to leave the room, her body turning to mine with a curious look on her face before I spoke again, "There's something wrong with the tap, the water won't stop, even if I close it as tight as possible."

I gestured with my hands to the wet floor, the maid's eyes following it. "My goodness, it was just okay this morning when I was cleaning the bathroom," I awkwardly nodded and fidgeted with my hands, hoping that she wouldn't catch on that I was trying to trick them.

"Ben, could you help me check what the problem is please?" she asked, making a small smirk reach my lips. The man nodded before walking with her to the bathroom, giving me time to pick my best friend up.

The lamp.

I slowly creeped up to them as the maid bubbled about how the tap was okay just this morning. The man turned the tap, causing the water to stop flowing. "I thought-," the man muttered but I interupted him as I hit him in the back of his head , causing him to lose balance and fall to ground, the maid yelled as I took that opportunity to grab the card out of his pocket and bolt out of the bathroom, soon running to the door that I never exited for the past few days.

I swiped the card onto the door and quickly pushed it, opening the door as my body went with it. I then closed it behind me, hearing the maid's screams before I turned around, noticing that there was a hallway.

I ran down the hallway, my heart beating quickly as I tried avoiding bodyguards at every twist and turn but I failed miserably as I now had a few men chasing after me, their guns in hand which encouraged me to run faster.

The adrenaline pumped inside of my body as I ran downstairs, turning down every corner, just trying to lose the men that were on my trail and attempting to get out of this maze of a mansion.

I looked behind me as I ran further, checking to see if the men were still chasing behind me and I was a bit relieved to see that there was a distance between us. Just as I turned my head around, I bumped into a wall before falling back onto the ground.

I tried lifting my body from the floor, holding my head in my hands as I panicked, not wanting the men to catch up to me. I looked up at the wall, ready to cuss at it before I realised that it wasn't a wall but a person.

It was Rina.

She did not seem to be pleased at the sight of seeing me outside of the room that I was stuck in for the past few days. As my body was still on the ground, the men behind us finally caught up to me, immediately bowing to Rina before muttering some Japanese words to her, as if they were apologizing.

Her eyes fell down to me, seeming slightly irritated at me and I let my gaze rest on the ground, avoiding to look at her. "Stand up," she simply said and I immediately lifted my body from the ground, dusting myself off from the imaginary dust on my shirt and pants.

She walked up to me, making me gulp as I was ready to take one step back but she was already face to face with me and I've never felt this weak under someone's stare. "What are you doing outside of your room?" She asked and I breathed heavily, just staring into her sharp and intimidating eyes.

"Answer me," she said, taking one more step closer to me and I could feel my body heat up. The look that she threw my way made my legs shiver in fear as I struggled to stay stable on my legs.

"I-I was-"

Even if I did try speaking, I couldn't lace a full sentence together. A man behind her suddenly spoke and I could tell by the way Rina's face pulled into an even more unpleasant one, that he was informing her that I was trying to escape.

Her head slowly turned to mine and my heartbeat was now dangerously fast. "Do you have a death wish?" She questioned me and I quickly shook my head, not being able to use my words.

"Then don't ever disobey me again. If you do, then I will execute you with no doubt," her voice was low and threatening. I took two steps back from her, my breathe hitching as didn't have anything to say, my mouth opening and closing but no words exiting my mouth.

Before I could say or do anything, she nodded her head my way to the men and they walked to me, tightly grabbing me by my arms before dragging me to the room that I was really starting to hate.

Rina's words lingered in my brain as I allowed the men to lead me to my own personal prison cell.

When we arrived at the door, it was unlocked and the first thing my eyes saw was the maid sitting on the floor with the man that I had attacked, her eyes teary as she held onto him. Guilt flooded my senses as I watched her, pity in my eyes as she finally noticed us, her eyes immediately falling onto me before her face twisted with hate.

"Please help him, his head is hurt," she said, softly placing the man's head on the floor as another man offered a helping hand. The maid lifted herself from the ground, taking the tray of food with her before she walked out of the room, bumping into my shoulder with a scowl.

The man's body was lifted from the ground and he walked out of the room, his hand wrapped around the other man's shoulder and I sent him an apologetic look but he ignored it.

I was left in the room alone again.

I sighed as I let my body fall onto the bed, closing my eyes as my body sinked into the surface, not caring about dinner.

Back to square one I guess...


Vote of you guys liked this chapter please 🙏

Btw I finished The Vampire diaries and I'm now in my twilight era again, don't judge✋

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