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Hello cute little spawn! :)

Didn't anyone tell you that it was illegal to look this HOT?!

I'm gonna have to put you under arrest!👮


Amelia pov:

"I'm going to be back very late since this is an important meeting," Rina said to me and  I nodded in response, my eyes staying glued to her spine tattoo of a huge snake trailing up her back on her exposed skin. I wasn't really big on tattoos but Rina's was absolutely attractive, especially on her perfect body and glass skin. Each and every tattoo seemed as if they held a deep secret to it.

Anything would honestly look good on her.

And Yes, I was watching Rina dress like sick pervert and yes, I did force myself to wake up just to have the opportunity to ogle at her body.

And I have no shame!

As my eyes raked over the art on her body, I noticed another tattoo standing out from the rest and it was words written in Japanese with red ink. Following along the red words was a tattoo of Medusa, with her usual snake hair and hideous facial expression, whilst also crying blood.

God. Who would even permanently want to put that thing on their body.

But as hideous as it looked, it still managed to make Rina look like a snack.

"You can go to the pool on the second floor if you want to, I'll send a few bodyguards to join." She offered, making a smile reach my lips as I nodded, liking the idea of going for swim instead of sitting cooped up in this room all day.

When Rina was finally dressed in a navy blue suit, she walked over to me and
placed a soft kiss on my forehead before walking out of the hotel room, leaving me in bed as I stared at the mirror that faced it, our clothes still scattered messily onto the ground, the belt lying on the bed and the vibrator sitting on the desk next to me.

A smile was plastered onto my lips as I felt my cheeks warm up, thinking of last night and it's events while I subconsciously twisted my hair around my finger.

What a night. Who would've thought that I was into the kinky shit that Rina did to me. Am I a weirdo for liking it this much?

I suddenly shook my head aggressively and threw the blankets off of my body, placing my feet on the tiled ground before standing up and making my way to the bathroom. While my body dragged itself to the awaiting toilet, I could feel my legs feeling jiggly as if they both just wanted to give in any moment.

My body froze when I felt a sudden cold liquid slip down my thigh, and I immediately rushed to the bathroom, glad that Rina wasn't here to see the embarrassing sight. I knew very well that she would've stared proudly as my leftover cooch juices ran down my leg.

Damn her and her sex drive.

I immediately hopped into the shower, waiting for the water to warm up before I allowed myself to be engulfed by the droplets of the shower, cleaning my body that was now covered in hickeys between my thighs, on my neck, abdomen and many more places I prefer not to mention.

After a long while of showering, I finally stepped out of it, drying myself and my hair as I wrapped the small towel around my body, looking for a swimsuit in the cupboard after successfully finding a one-piece and I didn't waste any time to slip it on.

These jello legs have nothing on me, I'm swimming even if it means I'm returning to this room paralyzed.

A firm knock was heard on the door and I quickly walked through the living room, opening it just to find four men in suits standing infront of the door, slightly startling me.

My eyes curiously moved down to what they were carrying in their hands and judging by the basket and towels that two of them were holding, I knew that these were the bodyguards to accompany me at the pool.

Why four though...

I stepped aside, allowing them to enter the dorm as I rushed to the kitchen, preparing myself a quick and simple breakfast, not wanting them to wait for too long. After devouring the sandwich, I quickly made my way back to the living room where the men were waiting, nodding to them as I gestured that I was now ready to go swimming.

We all made our way out of the room, locking the door behind us before strolling down the hallway and climbing into the first elevator that led us to the second floor.

I awkwardly walked to the direction of the pool with the four men quite literally circling around me as if I would be kidnapped at any second.


When we finally arrived at the pool, I quickly noticed that there were very few people here, some chatting with their friends while others were tanning, but the one thing that had my jaw hanging on the floor was that no one was swimming or even touched the delicious looking water.

Is this a rich person thing?

One of the men passed me some sunscreen and I grabbed it with a grateful smile, smoothly applying it to my skin. The men decided to just oddly stand around, waiting for me to swim as I gave them an odd look, wondering why they chose to stand around instead of just taking a seat like a normal person would.

I shook my head, removing my focus from them as I climbed into the deserted pool, my skin immediately getting goosebumps because of the cold temperature of the water.

Do they dump ice in here?

After staring at and cowering above the cold water, I finally allowed my body to sink into the liquid, soon dipping my head under it as I started swimming from one point to the other.

I started feeling slightly awkward at the thought of being the only person in the pool but I refused to allow myself to care as I did all sorts of tricks that I knew, soon becoming bored after a while so I just ended up floating in the water at this point.

Another person entered the pool, causing me to lift my head and excitedly look in their direction. It was a girl, smiling at me as she slowly entered the water. I threw her a warm smile, finally glad that I wasn't the only one in the pool.

She slowly swam her way to me as I also did the same, watching her slightly struggle as she jumped in the water, indicating that she wasn't one of the best swimmers. "I saw you alone in the pool and had to join you out of pity," she joked, making a giggle slip from my lips before replying.

"Why do people even come to the pool if they don't plan on swimming." I questioned with a cheeky smile and a roll of my eyes. "For decoration I think," she replied making me snort and nod in understanding.

So it is a rich people thing.

"I'm Kaylin," she said, smiling to me as she reached her hand out for a handshake.

"I'm-," I was about to respond but my words were cut off by someone clearing their throat, my head cautiously whipped around, seeing one of the bodyguards staring down at Kaylin with a threatening look on his face. She first stared at him with furrowed brows before slowly backing out of the pool after he told her something in Japanese that caused fear to twist onto her face before she was out of the pool and walking away, but not before throwing a last glance my way.

I scoffed in frustration, looking up at the guy that was now walking back to where he was, proceeding to stare at me almost creepily and watch me as he cosplayed a statue like the other three men.

I decided to climb out of the pool with a disappointed pout, wrapping the towel around my body tightly as I was finally ready to go back to my room, not wanting to swim at a pool where I had no one to talk to.

Well this sucks.


Four big guys! 🕴️️🕴️🕴️🕴️

And they grab on my thighs!

I'm sorry I had to😔

Vote if you're disappointed in my sense of humor😔✋

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