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You made it to chapter 20!!

Here's a treat to show my appreciation:


Amelia pov:

"Amelia! It's me, Rina! Open the door!"

The familiar sound of Rina's voice made me drop the bat to the ground as I quickly ran to the door, unlocking it with shaky hands and teary eyes.

Once the door was opened, Rina entered the room before closing and locking the door behind her. My eyes moved to her's as I held the tears in and she pulled me to her and wrapped her arms around me in a comforting, yet firm manner. "W-what's happening?" I questioned as Rina turned my head to the side, checking for any injuries and I couldn't help but notice the light bruise under her left eye.

"A few of our rivals from the Russian Mafia found out that we're here. They're trying to kill us," she said and her voice sounded way too calm for the situation as she walked to the bedroom, with me following closely after her like a lost puppy.

"Gather all of your important things, we're getting out of here," she said and the only thing I could do was blindly obey, rushing to the bathroom to get our most important things and simultaneously trying hard to ignore the fact that my lungs needed much more oxygen then it was receiving.

After gathering all our things, a few men entered our room, some having a few bruises and cuts on their skin as they informed Rina of something, which made her clench her jaw before cussing in English. I stood there, confused as to why Rina was suddenly so upset.

"We can't, it's not gonna work," Rina suddenly said in English, making me frown in confusion as I looked at her curiously, my eyes asking the question for me.

"Amelia, we were planning to exit the Hotel through the tunnel below the building but it's blocked by the Russians. All of the other exits are blocked-, " I gasped, a hand running through my hair as I started freaking out. " H-how are we gonna get out?! I don't wanna-, " I yelled with a pained chest, pacing around the room with teary eyes as Rina stopped me and held my face in her hands.

"Hush dear, you're gonna be alright. There's one more way out, but I'm gonna need you to trust me okay?" she said and I nodded, my trembling hands covering her's before she kissed me on the forehead.

"さあ行こう!" Rina yelled to her workers, taking my hand in her's as she held me behind her in a protective manner and before I knew it, the door was opened and my heart jumped in its ribcage. We all exited the room, the bodyguards surrounding us as we made our way to the second floor but as we did so, we immediately ran into a few Russian men. (Let's go!)

I didn't even get enough time to gasp before the popping sound of gunshots became louder and louder. My hands were held by Rina as we ran down the stairs and away from the gunshots between Rina's men and the enemies.

The moment we were on the second floor, I saw the disturbing sight of bodies being scattered and people looking for shelter as they shot at each other. Bullets started flying our way, injuring one of the men that surrounded us, soon causing him to fall to the ground. Rina held my head down as she flipped a table, using it as protection and I covered my ears, feeling extremely overwhelmed by the danger.

I knew that we weren't in the middle of the cross fire but it still made me tremble in fear as I had my back pressed against the metal table, looking to my side and seeing Rina with a very focused face as she fired her gun to the men.

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