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I'm currently writing this chapter in my room while the rest of my family is having a nice bonding time🧍

I'm a loser, I know

And I'm proud of it! ✊

Third person pov:

Amelia gently grabbed the woman's hand as Rina led them to the dance floor, slowly and very elegantly waltzing to the music while they looked deep into each other's eyes.

Their heart beats were in perfect sync, each of them gracefully singing a soft rhythm to the other, but even if their hearts longed for each other, both of them carried their own flaws along with them. The one fearing to open up to the foreign feeling while the other feared that she might've felt something for someone who wouldn't be able to return it.

Rina gently twirled Amelia's body, her figure submissively following the movements that Rina led as she caught her in her firm arms, holding her like she was a priceless being before continuing their dancing, quickly forgetting about all of the waltzing bodies that surrounded them.

All the other people were blurred out to them, along with the rest of the world. The only sound that could be heard was the lovely music and the only thing to be seen was each other, they were basically in the their self-made heaven. Their faces were moving dangerously close to each other and their movements were fastening with the music.

Amelia cracked a smile as Rina made her do another dramatic twirl, their bodies moved swiftly with the music, successfully matching the energy of the song as Rina and Amelia's faces grew even closer and closer then they were before.

Once the music finally came to an end, Rina slowly leaned in and softly placed her lips onto Amelia's, ending the dance with a gentle kiss and both of their hearts were racing as Amelia's blush was now very evident.

They separated their lips, and Amelia could hear her heartbeat bang in her ears as Rina led her back to the table where they sat before. Amelia could feel herself still being flustered by the short kiss, so she decided to drink a few glasses of red wine in order to drown the pesky butterflies that fluttered in her stomach.

After minutes of gulping down many glasses of wine and watching people dance, she felt herself slowly losing her battle with the alcohol. This was proved by the way her vision became hazy and how she felt her body involuntarily swaying.

Amelia then looked back at Rina, admiring her features for the millionth time as she held her face in her hands, not caring to hide the fact that she was staring at the very attractive woman. But as she checked Rina out, her eyes quickly shifted to the woman's tie, suddenly noticing a red stain that stood out from the rest of the colours surrounding it. Amelia frowned, wondering how she hadn't noticed the stain earlier when they were dancing, so she tapped Rina's shoulder and the woman placed her siren eyes onto her, a curious hum following afterwards.

"Rina, what's that on your tie?" she questioned with a slightly slurred speech, making Rina rip her eyes away from her and then look down to her stained tie before brushing her finger over it with a soft chuckle.

"It's just the red wine."

The words smoothly rolled off of Rina's tongue as she then fixed her tie, slickly hiding the stain under the rest of her suit.

Amelia slowly nodded, not knowing whether she should just take the words -that were most likely not even true in- or ask Rina to be completely honest with her. She really didn't know.

But did she really wanna know what it actually was?

Did she really wanna know if it was really just wine and not something else? The stain was clearly too dark to just be wine and she knew for sure that Rina wasn't drinking much this evening.

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