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Heyy gorgeous😍

Remember to eat and look after yourself, read this chapter and do something productive today (but not before voting please)

Remember to take the trash out too, I can smell it through my screen girl😭

Have a nice read my babies💋💋

Amelia pov:

My heart raced as my eyes followed the woman, my body burning up with arousal as she left a trail of kisses on my stomach. I didn't even know her name, neither did I think that I'd ever feel this aroused by a woman touching me.

Her hands were cold but they still managed to make me feel hot in all of the places she touched. Usually it was me taking the lead, controlling my clients since most of my appointments consisted out of me give them blow jobs and on very rare occasions, I'd open my legs for them but now I had zero control as I gripped the pillows behind me. My body shivered as the cool wind from the window ran over my figure, making the tiny hairs on my skin rise. My head turned to the side as I covered my mouth, not wanting to moan and embarrass myself even more as my eyes fell on my dress lying on the ground. I suddenly felt her cold hands on my cheeks, turning my head and making me face her before she removed my hand from my mouth.

"Don't be shy. I wanna hear you," she said, trailing her hands back down my body before finally removing my lace panty, making the blush on my face deepen as I could feel how wet my pussy was.

She kissed my stomach before going lower and lower, finally reaching my beating virgina, leaking with need as I felt her touch on it.

As the woman touched me like this, I couldn't help but allow my thoughts to run wild in this moment. She was a stranger, yet she touched me like someone that knows each and every part of my body, like she had already touched me a million times.

A gasp left my lips as she added her hands, slowing pressing a finger in my hole as she started to eat me out, making my toes curl as I gripped harder onto the bed sheets, shameless sounds leaving my lips.


She kept pleasing me, my legs soon shaking as I felt her gripping my thigh. Her hands were moving fast as they traveled inside of me, stretching me out as I cried out in pleasure.

"Fuck please..."

I begged, letting my pride leave the room as I bit down on my lower lip. My legs were now violently shaking as I felt my climax reaching.

"I'm gonna-," my words were cut off by her hands and mouth being removed  from my body, making my eyes move down to her and meet her gaze. She stood up, took her jacket off and started to unbutton her shirt as I was panting and staring at her through my eyelashes.

Her eyes stayed on me as I felt vulnerable under her piercing stare. When her shirt was finally completely off, my eyes ran down her slim but perfect body, rolling over all of the tattoos that ran down her arms and chest. I stared at the perfect curves of her body, the way her abs were the perfect shape and the way her inked skin shone beautifully. I didn't notice her unzipping her pants as I admired her perfection.

Her eyes met mine again before I looked to the side, attempting to hide the blush on my face as I felt the bed slightly dipping in, indicating that she was climbing back onto the bed. My head slowly moved back to her's as she pulled me down to her level by my legs, taking me by surprise as a startled gasp left my lips before she covered her mouth over mine.

My lips moved against her's as my heart raced rapidly. I felt small under her gaze, I felt weak under her touch but yet I still liked being dominated by her, which I found odd since I hated men dominating and having control over me. She lifted my leg as we kissed, then crossing her's over mine, confusing me for a moment about this foreign pose.

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