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Hey pretty one <3

I hope you enjoy this chapter💗💗


Amelia pov:

"Come on, we gotta leave in a few minutes," Rina said to me in a rushing tone as she watched me finishing the last touches on my hair.

I sighed in displeasure as I stared at my reflection in the mirror before me. "I don't like it," I let out with a frown painted onto my forehead as I stared at the so-called curls that looked more like spirals.

I had been struggling with my hair for a full three hours -or more- but I still found myself pathetically struggling to get the beautiful pattern to form in my stubborn hair.

How do girls do this?

"It looks good Amelia. Everything looks good on you," Rina complimented, the words deeply coated in her Japanese accent as I felt a warm feeling rising to my cheeks.

Rina decided that it was a good idea to let me tag along  with her to a meeting in Japan, partly because she felt bad that I was jumped by two maids and because she wanted to spend time with me. But now that I really think about it, I haven't seen the two woman in these past few days since the incident happened and I didn't know whether it was a good or bad thing.

"Ok fine. Just give me a second," I said in a hurried tone as I finished -or attempted to finish- the last section of my hair, nearly burning my own face in the act too. As I struggled like a fool, a laugh was suddenly heard from behind me and I lifted my eyes to the woman hovering above me.

I squinted my eyes at her in irritation as she shook her head at me.

"Are you laughing at me?" I questioned in a threatening but playful voice and another chuckle left her lips; I was about to throw a snarky comment her way but she smoothly went back to her hurried self from thirty seconds ago -which made me quickly shut my trap- and she ushered for me to finish my hair while I shamelessly obeyed in silence.

Just because I feel obedient today.

Definitely not because she scares the shit out of me...

When I was finally done with my full mane, I exhaled a huge breathe of release as I plugged the curling iron out and idiotically placed the hot device into the bag to take it with me to Japan.


I lifted my body from the chair, glancing at my hair once more in the mirror before nodding to Rina, signalling that I was finished.

Even in this moment, it still felt very surreal that I was going to Japan; during my childhood years- and even during my teenage times- I almost never went anywhere because my Father always kept me locked up inside of the house. There were times when I bawled my eyes out and asked him why I was treated like a prisoner and his response was always "Its for your own good" or "I'm protecting you".

But once I was finally free of my father's protective claws, I didn't have the money to travel where my heart desired.

Which sucked by the way.

As we exited the room, the few men in black followed behind us, carrying our heavy looking suitcases as we all made our way to the exit.

Well, I would have to admit that my suitcase was the heaviest because of all the unnecessary things I added...

"So how long are we going to be visiting?" I questioned, trying to contain my excitement but my voice deeply betrayed me as it's tone pitch heightened, showcasing all of my bottled up enthusiasm.

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