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Have a nice read and spoil yourself because you're special<333

Also spoil me with a vote too please🙃

Amelia pov:

I ran my slim fingers through my hair as I read the book in my hands, the plot being somewhat intriguing as I was almost half way through it after just starting the book this morning.

Blame boredom.

My eyes were slowing starting to hurt,  I didn't care enough though so I just kept reading, but after a few minutes of running my eyes along the words of the book, I finally decided to drop it before going back to counting the amount of cracks on the marble floor.

As I counted, I heard the door suddenly open and I expected it to be a maid, not bothering to look up at her, knowing that the cold shoulder would be thrown my way because of what I did to her friend. I then heard no tray being brought in and neither did I hear her putting the plate onto the bedside table, which caused me to turn around, curious as to who it actually was.

A bodyguard was standing in the doorway, looking at me as I lifted my body from the ground, wondering why he was just staring at me. "Do you need something?" I questioned but I didn't get an answer from him, only him gesturing to the door with his head and a stoic look on his face. I assumed that he didn't speak English so I obeyed and walked to the door, questioning why I was randomly allowed to exit the room by someone other than Rina.

I slowly stepped out of the room, watching the man lock the door before grabbing my arm and leading me down the hallway. We were now walking at a pace slow enough for me to admire the extravagant mansion and I noticed that even the ceiling was beautiful and fancy. We walked down some stairs and took a few turns before I was brought to a room with a very long table, Rina sitting in the far end, her eyes soon moving up to us the moment we walked inside of the dining room.

I frowned in confusion as the man led me to one of the seats that were nearest to Rina and I hesitantly sat down. A few maids then walked in, bringing delicious looking food before placing it on the table. I awkwardly sat in my seat, my eyes looking down at my lap.

Why was I brought here?

Why am I eating at a table with Rina...

Rina picked her fork and knife up before digging into her plate and I followed her, cutting into the juicy steak infront of me before taking a small bite from it. My taste buds melted at the pleasing taste of the perfectly cooked meat.

We ate our food for a while, sitting in a heavy and awkward silence before Rina decided to break it. "Once we have your Father, you will be released," I nodded, feeling slightly sour at the thought of never seeing Rina again.

"What do you plan on doing to my Father? " I asked but my question was ignored as she continued eating her meal before her phone vibrated. I sighed in silent frustration as she picked the device up while lifting her body from her seat and walking off but not before throwing one last glance at me. As she walked off, she ordered someone to take me back to my room and I could feel my body slump into the seat below me.

I placed the knife and fork onto the plate before standing up from my seat and following the maid that led me back to the room where I came from. We walked in a comfortable silence until the woman decided to break it. "You know, it's the first time in many years that the boss had eaten with someone at that table," her words took me by surprise and I looked at her with my head tilting slightly. "Really?" I questioned, not believing her words.

"Yes, out of all the people that I thought would share that table with the Boss, Henry's daughter was the very least expected, " I frowned, confused as to how she knew my Father's name. "How do you-, " I couldn't finish my sentence as I was already standing infront of my room, the man that had been waiting for me there opened the door and pushed me in a little too hard then it was needed.

Once I entered the room, the door was immediately shut and I sat on the ground for a little while before picking the book up that I had been reading earlier.


I sat in the moving vehicle, the blindfold covering my eyes as I sat between two bodyguards, feeling slightly claustrophobic. I was supposed meet my Dad today at the park, he called me this morning and let me know that we could meet up today at 5pm.

I could feel my nerves rising as I felt the vehicle finally come to a stop. After hearing some shuffling noises, the blindfold was removed from my face by the man at my right and the first thing my eyes landed on was Rina sitting in the passenger seat, scanning the park with her siren eyes before looking at me through the rear view mirror.

"Go wait for your Dad on one of those benches, we'll grab him as soon as we get the opportunity. Remember that if you tell your Father about this, then I won't doubt putting a bullet in both you and your father's brains." I slowly nodded and gulped at her words as all of the men suddenly exited the car, including the driver before they separated, soon surrounding the park.

Rina and I were left alone in the car before she spoke again. "This is the last time we're ever going to be seeing each other again, so make yourself useful."

She gestured to the door, making me take a deep in before opening it and slowing exiting the vehicle, my face being met with the cold breeze. I looked back at Rina, my heart slightly hurting at the thought of never seeing her again.

Wait, why was I even thinking this?

We aren't lovers...

I finally turned my head away from her, slowly walking to one of the benches, my eyes scanning my surroundings and seeing one of the familiar figures of the men standing at the far end of the park, slowly blending in.

I stopped at a bench, sitting on it and hugging my jacket tightly around my body, not liking the cold wind as I could feel a small drop of water falling onto my face, indicating that it was about to rain in a few minutes.

I sighed, hoping that my Father would arrive soon before I was soaking wet. I watched parents gather their children before taking them away, probably going home because of the rain and I was soon left alone at the park, waiting for my Dad to come get me.


Strumming my pain with his fingers~

Singing my life with his words~

I was just thinking of this song, I love it ƪ⁠(⁠‾⁠.⁠‾⁠“⁠)⁠┐

Guess the name!

And Bye bye!!

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