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We're at chapter twelve, the age when I discovered gay stories😍

Have fun!


I stared at my slim but curvy figure in the mirror, turning my body to look at the back of the red dress. It had a huge gap, showing off my back with glitter running along the edges of the elegant dress. It showcased all of my curves in the right places and the colour of the dress beautifully matched my skin.

My hair was styled in loose curls and I had light makeup caked onto my face with jewelry clinging onto my neck, wrists, fingers, and ears. Rina  suggested that I join her to the annual event, where the members of the Russian- and Japan Mafia would assemble to celebrate their five year partnership.

I knew very well that Rina wanted me to tag along because she wanted me to feel better after what I witnessed three nights ago. But as hard as I tried, I couldn't get the image of Rina coldly killing the man out of my head, I was even having nightmares of it every now and then.

But I was grateful to get out of this place, even if it was just for a night but this also meant that there would be a big chance that I would see Giovanni. I was really planning on never seeing him again but it seemed as though the universe was punishing me for fun.

My thoughts were interupted by a soft knock on the door before it was opened after a few seconds, revealing one of the maids. "The boss is waiting for you downstairs madam," she said and I nodded, glancing back at myself in the mirror before exiting the room with her. I followed behind her through the hallways, feeling slightly nervous as I thought of what Rina's opinion on my outfit would be and if she would approve of the way I looked for the event. 

She was the one who bought everything for me after all...

When we finally exited the elevator and arrived on the first floor, I was led to the front door. I noticed that the maid's steps were wider and faster than earlier so I also picked my pace up while simultaneously trying to not break my ankle and embarrass myself, and I was succeeding... In a way.

I then lifted my gaze from the ground and saw Rina's figure standing in front of the door with her back facing our way before turning around at the sound of us waltzing in her direction. I watched Rina with close observation as her sharp eyes rolled over my body, making me feel slightly more anxious as I couldn't figure out what her facial expression was trying to tell me.

Did she like it?

Or did she not?

She looked somewhat surprised but pleased at the same time as her eyes seemed to be glued to my appearance, causing me to feel a bit insecure and self conscious as I cleared my throat and gulped, slowly walking towards her.

"You look beautiful," she muttered out, her words being unusually fast and causing my heart to jump at the compliment as I looked to the ground, desperately hiding my flushed face. She reached her hand out, gesturing for me to take it and I gladly did as I was then led to one of the red vehicles, matching my dress and Rina's suit.

While we made our way to the vehicle, I took that opportunity to look at what Rina was wearing and my blush deepened at the sight of her suit perfectly hugging her body. Her hair was put up in a neat pony tail, which exposed the tattoos running along her neck. On both of her siren eyes was a bit of red eye shadow, making her look even more dangerous but alluring at the same time.

Butterflies in my stomach fluttered at the feeling of Rina slightly pushing me by my lower back in the direction of the car. The familiar smell of her expensive cologne invaded my nostrils and I could swear that my legs felt like spaghetti the moment she glanced my way and caught me staring.

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