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Hello, sweet soul😘

Did you miss me??

We're doing a new pov today!

Third person pov:

Amelia sat on the cold bench, waiting for her Father as Rina watched her from afar, secretly admiring the beauty of the one girl that made her feel a funny twist in her chest.

It was drizzling at this point but Amelia still sat on the bench, hoping that her Father would soon arrive. Hours passed by and the sun was already setting, Amelia could feel disappointment seep in as she was slightly shivering, staring at nothing.

Rina looked at her watch, realising that Amelia had been sitting on that bench for three hours already. She cursed to herself, knowing that Henry must've figured out that this was a trap. She whipped her phone out, texting the men to fetch Amelia before she whipped a cigarette from her pocket and then lighting it up. She exhaled the smoke, looking back at Amelia, her figure only being slightly seen because of the street light that stood next to her, lighting up the darkness that surrounded her.

After a few seconds, the men walked to Amelia, grabbing her by the arm as she stood up, ready to follow them back to the car but they were interupted by loud gunshots. The second Rina heard those sounds, she dropped the cigarette and grabbed her gun from her pocket before bolting towards Amelia and the men.

Usually, she would've called for backup but instead, she made her way to protect Amelia which immensely confused her but she pushed that thought aside. She didn't care about anything else as she sprinted in their direction, shooting at the bodies that she saw firing at the men and Amelia.

Why am I even saving her?

She thought to herself as she ran to Amelia, grabbing her by her arm before pulling her in the direction of the car, keeping their heads low to avoid any bullets while all the other men were lying on the ground with lifeless bodies.

"Come on," Rina hurriedly said as she and Amelia made their way to the vehicle. A body suddenly appeared in front of them, pointing a pistol their way and ready to shoot. The second Rina saw this, she instinctively pushed Amelia behind her, lifting her gun to the masked man but she was too slow as the anonymous person fired at them, the bullet piercing her abdomen as she grunted in pain. She was well aware that she didn't have enough time to cower in pain so she had no option but to ignore it before firing back, ultimately hitting the person in the head as their body collapsed to the ground.

The pain of the shot became overwhelming in her abdomen as she fell to her knees, hissing in pain as she grit her teeth. Rina could feel the blood slowly flowing out from her burning wound as she gripped onto it. Amelia was ready to run further to the car but she turned back to Rina instead, noticing that she was on her knees as she heard more gunshots from afar, indicating that there were more people firing at them.

She turned back and wrapped Rina's arm around her neck, lifting her body from the ground. This action surprised Rina as she looked at Amelia in shock before snapping out of her daze and making their way to the car.

Their only advantage was that it was dark and most of the bullets that were shot at them hit the vehicle or other objects. They finally arrived at the vehicle and Amelia opened the back door, hurriedly pushing Rina inside before climbing into the driver's seat, starting the car and quickly driving off.

She flinched hard at the sound of bullets hitting the car's windows, feeling relieved that the car was bullet proof. She wasn't a professional at driving but adrenaline kicked in, helping her drive as fast and far away from the park. In the backseat, Rina lifted her body, searching for her phone in one of her jacket pockets, cursing the moment she realised that she must've dropped it when she heard the first few gunshots.

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