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If your name starts with an 'A'

I'm gonna give you a big, fat, sloppy, wet kiss💋

But if it starts with a 'J' then I'm gonna kick the shit out of you🦵

Nothing personal😋

Amelia pov:

Rina kissed me on the cheek as I blushed at the contact and kept my arms tightly wrapped around her neck, not wanting her to leave for the meeting yet.

"Come on, I need to go now," she smiled to me, her hair strands resting slightly in her face as I pushed my face into the crook of her neck.

"But I don't want you to go yet," I whined as my grip grew slightly tighter, causing her to lean in a bit.

Rina turned her head my way to give me a look and I quickly sighed in defeat, knowing that her simple stare could easily break me down in any situation. I finally let go of her neck with a frown and it was followed by a small puff of air leaving my mouth as I spoke again.

"I'm going to be super bored... what am I gonna all day while you're at a stupid meeting?" I asked, slumping my shoulders with a pout. Rina smiled down at me as she ruffled through my hair with a hearty chuckle.

"I left some books for you on the table. You can read that in the meantime." She said and I could feel dissapointment seep in at the thought of reading a book rather than being with Rina all day but I nodded either way as I watched her look down at her watch before bending down to my level and pecking me on my lips once more.

"I need to go now, see you tonight." Rina greeted while she made her way out of the bedroom and I mumbled a response, knowing that by the time she'd be back, I'd already be dead in dreamland. Once the sound of the front door closing infiltrated my ear drums, the house quickly went completely silent and I was now the only person in the dorm.

Like a lonely loner.

My body smoothly slipped out of the bed, not feeling tired anymore as I made my way to the kitchen with dragging feet, sloppily preparing some pancakes for myself to eat. A huge yawn left my lips as I skillfully flipped the pancake, soon seeing the pleasant sight of a golden surface. Once all of the pancakes were finally finished, I placed them on a plate and covered it with whipped cream while drizzling some honey over it. I stared at my art piece for a few seconds just to admire the view before I dug in, rolling my eyes in the back of my head.

I hummed at the pleasant taste of the pancakes as I went in for another bite.

I stupidly fidgeted with my other hand, not knowing what else to do and deeply wishing that I had a cellphone to entertain me. Even in these few weeks of dating, I still wasn't allowed to have a cellphone and I was very surprised that I survived this long without it.

Once my plate was finally finished, I placed it in the sink before grabbing a book from the table where Rina had left them for me. There were four options but I decided to settle with the horror one, hoping that it would be entertaining enough for a while.

As my eyes rolled over the words and flipped through the pages, I slowly realised that this book wasn't my cup of tea- partly because of the slightly disturbing plot and because I was too lazy to read- so I closed it with a heavy a sigh and put it back on the table next to me, not bothering to take interest in any of the other books as I rested my head on the pillow.

I closed my eyes and slowly drifted off to sleep as my mind relaxed.



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