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Hi cutie🙃

U seem sad, lemme spoil u😋


Anyway, have a nice read!

Amelia pov:

I walked through the cold streets, clutching tightly onto my jacket as I let a shaky breathe out, hating the cold wind that ran through my hair and caused me to shiver even more.

Giovanni had forgotten to pick me up from work again. Usually when he forgot, he'd come fetch me later but this specific night, he completely forgot about me. I felt a sting of disappointment surge through me as I walked into his home, seeing that the door is unlocked, indicating that he wasn't at work.

He must've been too busy...

I tried to convince myself, knowing that it was most likely not true. I was about to plop my body onto the couch but I then heared a voice- a woman's voice- and it caused me to freeze, not sitting as I stood still for a moment, trying to brush it off by thinking that it might've just been in my head but the sound was heard again. It sounded more like a moan and I could feel a knot forming in my stomach as I slowly walked towards the direction where the noise came from.

No, it's not what I think it is...

I must've heard wrong...

These words flooded my brain as I approached the room where the noise originated from, holding onto the doorknob before turning it and slowly pushing the door open, not ready for the sight that was before me.

Giovanni was in bed with a stranger.

"Giovanni," my voice was soft as their bodies stopped, his head turning to mine and his eyes were wide as I gulped.

"So this is what you've been doing," I couldn't really form a full sentence, let alone yell at him. I took two steps back, not wanting to believe what I just saw, I wanted Giovanni to walk over to me and apologize. I wanted him to try and fix this but instead, I was met with a cold and nonchalant facial expression.

He stood up from the bed, telling the girl to leave the room as she obeyed, but not before sending a snicker my way. I didn't have enough energy to even be mad.

I didn't feel mad, not sad or surprised, I felt numb.

But I was still crying for some odd reason.

I couldn't feel the tears run down my face but I knew that I was crying judged by the way my vision was blurry. "Don't give me that fucking look," his voice was so voice cold that it was foreign to my ears.

"How could you do this to me?" I asked, walking to up to him and wiping the tears from my eyes as he scoffed."What did you expect? You really thought that I Would stay with YOU of all people, how fucking stupid are you?" he said and I gasped at his hurtful words, feeling the numbness slowly dissipate.

"You're an asshole... Fuck you!," I yelled at him, anger rising up inside of me as I pointed at him, "Fuck YOU, I don't even know why you're around. You're just a burden, get the fuck out of my fucking life!" those were the words that compelled me to rush inside of the room that I slept in, throwing my clothes in a bag as tears flooded from my eyes.

I hate him..

I HATE him


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