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Hufflepuff. So caring and loyal are your badgers. Yes they sit all day in their burrows. Curling around each other for warmth. Eating warm and sweet things to their content. But do not be fooled, as so many are. A sword lurks in the walls and under tables. The old helping the young. Keeping them safe. One false move from another and the Bager will dart out. Will show you why it has long talons and sharp teeth. Show you why it's dangerous to approach. Yes they are considered lazy and glutens, but that's what everyone sees, before they stand up to fight for each other.

Next comes Ravenclaw. The roost of Eagles, wise and open to possibility are these flyers. Knowledge rolls off their tongs with no thought. Answering as if it was always known. Strikingly calm in their books, flying from reality. Only when disturbed, do their eyes narrow and talons show. They don't fight with steel and blood, they just need a few words. No warrior could compete, for they lie at an eagle's feet, tears falling freely at the words told to them. Take their command, they know what to do.

If fighting is what you want, go knock on Gryffindor. Their dens rowdy of Lion's play. They'll fight your fights for you. Stand the ground you'd let others take. Brash and head strong at these mighty steeds but one just needs to ask for help, and they come to aid. No questions needed for the other. But do not cross them as they never forgive. Wild are their hearts and lose are their blades. Blood does not shy them away and battle sounds inviting. When you need any army just take one with you. They're all you need.

The ones you forget until it's too late, as Slytherin perfurs. Sneaky Snakes these ones are. From shadow to shadow they creep. You notice them well, but dismiss them too, for you should never trust a snake. Cunning and witty are they. Wanting one thing for another. Don't be caught by them, for they may not carry the sword but the knife is only tucked up their sleeves. Brilliant are the few who hold knowledge like gold. Blackmail, epenoshe, and fear are their preferred tools. They don't need a fight to win.

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