Chapter 29

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Marvolo waited at the reception hall for his visitors. The hall was large and could accommodate a large intake of people. There weren't many people on the roster today though. It was a Sunday so no new applied citizens were coming today. Most of the Government buildings were closed on Sunday. Only four Branches worked at full capacity on a Sunday, Law Enforcement, Medical, and the Head of Branches. The visitor he was waiting for was the Delegation from the ICW.

They arrived right on time. The clock struck six on the dot and the port key popped in with a crowd of people. There were the main five elected delegates from around the world and then a handful of hand chosen law workers. Marvolo spotted Amelia Bones and Alester Moody among them. Mavolo wondered how the old man managed to get Mad-Eye in a delegation. He spotted the old man fairly easily among the handful of others.

"Ah, Madam Santos." Marvolo greeted taking the woman's hand in his own. The older woman was far older than Dumbledore but the years did her kindly. She looked only in her late sixties, "I hope you'll find your stay welcoming."

The woman shook his hand, looking him over once, "You remind me of a young man I once met a long time ago."

"If you're referring to Tom Riddle, he's my little brother." Marvolo revealed.

The woman nodded, giving him a smile, "Yes. I remember him well before and after the madness. I hear you've taken in his son. How is the boy?"

"He is well. Excelling far beyond Hogwarts where he is currently enrolled." Marvolo held out his arm for the Woman to take as they talked, "I hope to bring him to our school starting this coming new year. Once we get approval from the ICW as a Nation, we're going to start getting the education approved by the ICW to make our school an international standards school for Magic."

They made it outside and the woman paused to look on in aw, "This is all magical land?" She whispered, looking out at the large swift of buildings of the Government. She turned to look at the city just starting up around it, "This is incredible work. How many people do you currently have living here?"

"On the Magical plane we have nearing ten thousand individuals." Marvolo preened, "We get a few hundred a day now that have applied for citizenship but it's slowing down."

"You have a Bank?" She asked.

Marvolo directed her attention to the ornate black marble building just inside the Government space but also out enough that the people could access it, "We made a deal with the Goblins. They will set up their business as the main Banks used by the Government. We couldn't promise a full monopoly of the Banks because we know other kinds of magical people live on banking too. They've opened up jem, metal, and weapons shops all throughout the city and lands beyond."

"I'm impressed," She said with a smile, "And it hasn't even been an hour."

Marvolo gave a small bow, "Well we have a diction to make. I can give you a tour of Government Capital now or you can get settled and come back after lunch for a tour."

Santos looked to her people and they all nodded, "We'll take the tour first. If we settle now it'll just be as overwhelming."

Marvolo gave her a grin, "Then I shall lead the way." He lead them to the first building, Gringgotts, "Would you like to see Gringgotts or just bypass it?"

"We'll take a peek," Santos chose.

They walked into the ornate building and gasped. It was clearly run by Goblins but it was far larger than any Bank the Goblins had built before. It was three stories tall with an open lobby and balconies to the other floors. They had desks for each need the customer could have with a large plush sitting area for them to wait.

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