Chapter 40

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Bill woke up feeling like a dragon had body slammed him. With a groan he pushed himself up from the warm, blissful mattress. His bladder was persistent. Padding over to his on suit bathroom, Bill took care of his need, washed his hands, and went back into the room. It was light out but not too much. Just the first rays of morning, laying half covered on Bill's bed was none other than Hades Riddle. Shaking his head, Bill pulled on the last things he remembered.

They had finished the last set of runes last night at nearly one in the morning. Hades was staggering on his feet as the last set melted into place and set off a chain reaction. The runes that were passive until that point had activated. Setting in motion the full work of all that Bill had done. The ink moved and flowed around skiing even as it kept the shapes it needed for the runes to work.

The foundation was on his back in the accurate rendition of the solar system. The son was in the dead center, moving as if it were the real thing. The planets circled it with their respective moons. He added a few other planets Muggles had called Dwarfs. It made a spectacular display. On his right arm was a Basilisk that slithered up and down, curling into a nest every so often on his right peck. On the left side was a King Cobra. There was so much more. Up and down his legs and torso. Fingers and toes weren't left out.

Bill felt proud of the work he'd done, even if it drained him nearly to empty on his magic reserves. Hopefully Hades would settle out in a few days with his own magic as it adapted to the new boosts in power and perception. He shouldn't perform magic for the week and then Hades would be right as rain. The whole thing had worked.

Sighing, Bill walked over to the bed, "Hades." He reached out and gently shook the boy's shoulder. The reaction was instant. Hades was up and on his feet in seconds, a blade in hand before sleep was even out of his eyes. Bill stepped back, "Whoa! Hades! Just me. It's time for breakfast."

Hades blinked a few times as he slowly woke up for real, "Ahhh, Sorry." He folded up the knife and shoved it back into his pants. The after effect of awkwardness was broken by a knock on the door.

"Bloody Hell." Bill murmured, "Who is it this time?"

"You told your family, it would be done yesterday." Hades pointed out, slowly following behind Bill as he walked down the stairs, "What do you think they brought this time?" Eyes gleaming at the thought of Weasley cooked food. He'd have to introduce both his brother and Marvolo to it some time.

"I'd say you can escape while you can but I want to make sure everything is settling currently." Bill winced, "I can get rid of them."

"No." Hades took a spot in one of the open chairs, "Family is important. Let them in. They miss you William."

Bill paused at the door. There it was again. Hades had never called him Bill. It was like it never occurred to Hades that he liked Bill instead. On the other hand, Bill liked it when Hades called him William. He was the only one to ever do it without anger or malice in his tone. William. It was just his name to Hades.

Opening the door, Bill was greeted by all of the Weasley men. Charlie was leading the way with a plate of donuts. The twins waltz in after, Percy seemed to have tagged along with Arthur Weasley picking up the rear.

The twins took over the sofa as Percy claimed the other open arm chair. Hades was standing up to give Arthur his chair only for the man to wave him back down, "You're in need of it more than me. I hear your all finished up?"

"Yeah." Hades yawned, "It'll take a few days to settle down. My magic will be a bit chaotic for a while."

Arthur gave him a smile, "It looks marvelous. What did your uncle say?"

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