Chapter 13

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Hades figured it out. It wasn't too hard after Samhain to figure out what Quirrel was up to. Stepping into the Defense classroom after houses. Just as he predicted, the man was sitting behind the desk grading papers.

"H-H-H-Heir S-Slyther-r-rin. What -c-can I d-d-do for you?"

Hades dropped the red stone on to his professor's desk, "First of all, I hate your stutter. I give you credit for being a committed actor but it only makes you more noticeable. Second, I want to talk with my Guardian. I believe we have a lot of explaining to do with each other."

For a long moment Quirrel stared at him before his normal gray blue eyes turned a blood red, "Well now. You are quite interesting my young heir."

"Your soul is to split to be Lord Slytherin." Hades reminded, "It rejected you."

Voldemort hissed, "Fine child. What do you want."

"I want you to be sane once more. I want you to rise to the goals he first had." Hades picked up the stone, "Today is the last day before winter break. I have a meeting with the Goblin's tomorrow at Gringotts. Be there and you'll get your body back. It's bright and early. Six to be exact."

"I'll take this for safe keeping then." Voldemort reached out to snatch the stone only for it to pass through the illusion. It was a long moment before the possessed body started to laugh softly, "Smart Heir Slytherin. I am impressed."

"Good." Hades bowed respectfully, "I will see you there. Have a nice day Professor."

Going to Gringotts the next day was like a dream. It's been forever since he'd been outside Hogwart's walls. Getting there exactly at six that morning he met with a familiar face. Quirrle was standing with Hookjaw awkwardly. It was time for the ritual. This was going to either be smart or absolutely disastrous.

"Now, Mr. Riddle and Mr. Quirrel, let me explain." Hookjaw started, sitting the Professor in the middle of a runic ritual circle, "We are going to do three rituals into one. Our best Goblin rituals, curse breakers, and healers are here for every step of the way. First we'll be making the new body from scratch. We have blood that you stored long ago and that will be used as the base. Next will be removing your soul from Quirrel and pulling all the pieces together but one. The smallest one you made, taken from an unknowing child." He showed the gem stone, "It will sit in a containment rune circle so it won't be absorbed. Last, we will put your soul into the body. Are there any questions?"

"How much will this hurt?" Quirrel asked before wincing, "Never mind. I don't want to know."

Hookjaw nodded, "Any questions on your part, Heir Slytherin?"


"Lord Slytherin?"

"Not really. I only understand the steps, not how you're going to do it."

Hookjaw nodded, "I'll recommend some books later." They turned back to the two participants in the ritual, "You both ready?"


"Get this over with."

Hookjaw waved at the workers to start as he moved himself and Hades from the way. The start was the easiest on everyone as two Goblins worked together with his red stone. The philosopher's stone is what the Goblins told him it was named. The small vile of blood soon turned to bones, organs, vanes, muscles, and skin. Hair started growing out of the scalp into a nice hickory brown at the tips and black roots. The skin's abnormal paleness turned to match Hades's sun tan color.

The second part of the process started with Quirrle screaming his throat bloody as Voldemort's soul was ripped out of the body. The blackened wisp of the soul hung in the air before it began screaming in a more unnatural way. It's scratch so high, Hades felt blood dribbling through his fingers against his ears. Five other wisps zipped into the room, merging into one whole soul. The blackness of the soul become lighter with each added piece.

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