Chapter 5

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Dumbledore and Minerva both apperated to Privet Drive, Surrey, London. What they found was not house number four but a small park. Minerva walked up to the bench, reading the inscription on it, "To the lives lost on this very land. Watch over our young, with your safe hands."

Albus frowned, "What happened?"

"Didn't you hear?"

They both turned to see a man in what looked to be all black. He had a badge on his left breast, and a lighting object in his hands. Minerva was thankful she got them into more muggle clothes then sticking to robes.

"No we haven't." Minerva greeted, "A boy, Harry Potter, was supposed to attend our school this year but hadn't shown up. We were concerned."

The man nodded, "Ahhh, now I understand. There was a fire, years ago. Everyone in that house died. The bodies were unrecognizable. Melted both stone and metal in the house." He shook his head, "The park and bench are donations from the city and people. No one wanted to rebuild the house. It was tragic."

"No one survived?" Albus inquired.

The man nodded, "All three residents and a fourth person they couldn't identify. It was a child's body. They think it was possibly a street kid that they were helping. No one knows."

Albus nodded his head solemnly, "Yes, quite tragic. Thank you for telling us. We should be heading back now."

The man nodded to them, "Have a good evening now." And he was wandering back down the street.

Albus took Minerva's arm and apperated back to his office in Hogwarts. They stood in the office a long moment before Albus told Minerva softy, "I'll make plans for Harry's body to be moved next to his parents."

Minerva nodded, "Yes. I'll- I'll see you in the morning." She didn't turn back to look at him, before walking out of this study. Closing the door with a soft snick behind her.

Albus waited a count of twenty, since he was no longer connected to the wards and could feel when Minerva left the stairway, before going over to the floo. Throwing in the green powder, he called out, "The Burrow." He called Molly to his office immediately. This was an emergency. A larger woman bussled in not two minutes after calling her. Behind the woman was a younger redhead with sickly sweet green eyes.

"Is something the matter, Albus?" The woman, Molly, inquired.

Albus nodded, "Harry Potter is dead."


"NO! I'm supposed to be Lady Potter!"

Both screeched at the same time.

Albus had to hold in his wince. These two were going to have him go deff one day, "He died in a fire that burned his whole house and family. There is nothing we can do."

Both women stared at him for the longest time. Neither dining or thinking up hair brain ideas to bring Harry back from the dead.

Albus sighed, "Ginny, you're going to have to shift your focus to Mr. Longbottom. He's sorted into Hufflepuff, yes, but he is the second boy of the prophecy. He's the heir of Longbottom fortune and many vaults."

"We'll have to start putting those potions in his drinks-"

"No. He already has his heir ring. They block any potions we give him."

Ginny stomped her foot, "I don't want Longbottom. I want Potter!"

"ENOUGH!" Albus growled, "Longbottom is now the new boy who lived and will need training soon enough. Go back home and be ready to stand by him next year. This is not up for debate."

Both women nodded together and Albus could finally start with working this new plan.

Hades sat patiently in the Common room of Slytherin for the Head of House to give his speech. Upper years were whispering about the man being late and that he was never late. Another said it had to be the Headmaster's fault. Many of the students were avoiding him and the other gang members.

Well until now. A first year approached Hades for the first time after the Malfoy runt was rejected. This new first year wasn't tall or intimidating, nor did the boy hold himself the best. Sure he had his head up high, hair groomed, and everything neatly tucked in, "Greetings, Heir Slytherin. I'm Heir Thidore Nott. Heir of the most Noble house of Knott. I'd like to make your acquaintance." He acupined his word with a bow and an outstretched hand.

Hades stood from his chair, taking the hand in greeting, "Pleasure is all mine, Heir Nott." Dicorm or pleasantries was not Hades's strong point but Lucius had taken time out of his day to try and beat the lesson verbally into his skull over the past month. The man got better results than Jace did in the past three years, "Why don't you tell us about the Wizarding Holidays. We've had lessons on them but it was brief and didn't cover much."

The boy nodded eagerly at not being turned away so quickly as Malfoy had been. Sitting in an open spot the boy explained the Wizarding Holidays and traditional rituals used to be performed on the holidays before the Ministry outlawed them, "All because mudbloods can't accept anything that isn't-" He cut himself off, glancing fearfully at the group around Hades. They all did look like Mudbloods.

Hades nodded as he listened, "Agreed but in future reference if you want to get others to agree, cut down on the animity. It'll do better when convincing someone of another point of view. It also cuts out the fact the person may find you Bigoted towards one way or another." Nott thought of the advice readily and agreed. He needed to be far more neutral in matters from here on out. "Now tell me the difference between Pure Blood, Half Blood, and Muggle Blood." Nott frowned at the name but understood it wasn't bise in any way nor did it take either side on the matter. He liked the term. So he started to explain what they meant.

It was almost midnight by the time Severus Snape walked through the door from the Corridor. He looked mad and irritated but a hint of sadness could be seen in those black eyes, "I'm not going to make this long since you need to get to bed. For all new students, I'm Professor Severus Snape. I'm also your head of house. There are simple rules in this house. First, we are united outside of the Common room. If you have a dispute, settle it here. Second, don't get caught breaking the rules by anyone but me. If you do, I'll add another detention onto the ones you already have. Off to bed now. First years are to be up and in the common room at six tomorrow morning. You're getting a tour before breakfast."

Everyone got up, heading for bed.

"Heir Slytherin, please stay behind." Hades paused, turning around to wait. All of the Gang members stopped too, looking over Snape critically now. The Professor looked at all of them with a scowl, "I said just Heir Slytherin." None of them moved.

"What is it sir?" Hades broke in, "Am I in trouble?"

Snape scowled a second longer at everyone else before turning to Hades, "No. You are Heir Slytherin, so you are welcomed to the Heir rooms."

"Ahh," Hades understood now, "Where are these rooms?"

"The door is straight ahead before the turn offs to the dorm rooms. I hope you find them accommodating for yourself."

"Thank you." Hades gave the man a small bow of his head before turning in the direction his head of house directed, "Have a good evening professor." And the boy was gone, his followers right at his heel.

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