Chapter 12

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Bill walked down the muggle London street. He hadn't seen any muggles since aperating here with his team and Hookjaw. The Goblin walked briskly down the large street area, boxed in by large buildings.

"What is this place? Those buildings have windows broken in them." Marrie inquired.

Deven grunted, "It's an abandoned warehouse port. They just tend to be forgotten by the muggles. Goblin Hookjaw, may we ask what we are doing here?"

"You're going to be setting up wards. Ancient wards enforced with Goblin wards." Hookjaw answered, "But first we are to deal with a bit of impulsiveness on Heir Slytherin's behalf."

Bill lifted an eyebrow in wonder. To have such powerful wards be placed; it was incredible. But it seemed Heir Slytherin had done something to warnent them to be called. Honestly Bill was not the right person to ask about Heir Slytherin. From what Ron was spouting, the boy was a future Death Eater. From what Percy and the Twins said, the boy was a prodigy with a perfect memory and limitless magic.

"Here we are." Hookjaw sneered, rapping on a door to one of the buildings. A slit opened and a pair of eyes gazed out. They didn't take more than a moment to close once more and the door opened. A girl barely to Bill's knee bowed formally to Hookjaw, before stepping back to let them in.

"Merlin be damned." Deven muttered under his breath.

Bill silently cursed on his own. Surrounding them on all sides were children. They laid in the rafters, stood above them, and sat around the room. None looked to be over the age of eighteen. The young girl motioned them to follow her, briskly making their way through the wide open space to a room. An office it seemed.

A boy sat reading over documents, gnawing on what looked to be some sort of flavored ice. He glanced up the moment his door opened. The boy gave them a grin, fingers reaching up to comb though burnt orange hair, "Hookjaw! Good to see you. These must be that magical team you were talking about. Come in. Take a seat if you like."

Hookjaw nodded to the boy, "Yes Mr. Arillus, we have a few more details to hash out, a Ceburus to deal with, and then we'll start on the Wards."

"Great!" The boy beamed, "Truthfully I know nothing about taking care of that Ceburus. We're treating it like a normal dog currently, that eats raw meat."

Hookjaw nodded, "How has it been doing?"

"Great. But keeping it in a warehouse isn't helping the thing move. It's far better than the small area Hades found it in but it would be nice to just let him out."

It was then Bill realized who the boy reminded him of. It was the one boy from the duo at Gringotts. Hades must be the younger boy. But then who was Heir Slytherin? It couldn't be those two. Could it? They call this boy Arillus so it couldn't be. Maybe this Hades? Ron never did call Heir Slytherin by his first name.

"Here's all I was able to draw up since the last time we've spoken." The boy placed a stack of moderate sized sheets of paper on the desk with drawings, "Hades sent some of his own too."

Hookjaw looked through the drawings, "They look adequate. It'll take some time to make. The wards will be built right into the stones as it's being made. It'll take a lot more magic to hide as it's right in the middle of London."

"I read a bit about it. Lord Malfoy was kind enough to recommend some books." The boy waved at the books behind him, "The lessons are also helping."

Hookjaw nodded, "This will do. With Lord Malfoy's help we should be able to get this all sorted out by next year."

Deven leaned forward, "Can I ask what we are participating in?"

"A school." The boy gloated, "A primary school at the very least. A sanctuary is the hope in the end."

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