Chapter 21

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Dumbledore grimaced as he got next school year's schedule all filed out. He'd have to work hard on gaining the Longbottom Heir's trust. It was going to be far more difficult seeing that Regent Longbottom was nothing like her son, Frank. Where Frank used to always vote with Dumbledore despite being a neutral seat, Regent Longbottom would not. She was a traditionalist to her bone and wouldn't have protested if Tom had taken over Britain.

The letter before him however was something he couldn't ignore. It declared on a majority vote that a representative from Child Health and Welfare was to be stationed in the school as would someone for the education board. The Wiznot thinks Hogwarts was skimming on its standards. Dumbledore couldn't deny access without substantial proof they were wrong. He had none. What made him enraged was that they didn't contact him at all for the meeting. They called it a conflict of interest.

He looked at the applicant for a new Defense teacher this year. Quirrell never returned after winter break, and the stone was gone. It was the real stone too. He'd underestimate Tom. He also hadn't considered the loss of Potter and the distraction it gave. Everything had just gone downhill.

The Potter seats are now sealed but not gone. It meant some form of the Potters were left. A relative probably. The pureblood families were so intermixed. Dumbledore thought it disgusting. Not even considering that the Weasleys were also under the same category. Shaking off his thoughts, Dumbledore had to deal with the problems at hand.

Gilroy Lockhart was the new Defense Teacher but Dumbledore got him for the explicit reason. The man wouldn't be able to teach the children anything. The man was a fraud, it took little intelligence to see that. Now he was forced to be under watch by both the board of Education and Child Welfare. He wouldn't be able to hide Lockhart very well. Dumbledore sighed. He could just claim that Lockhart was the only person to send in an application. Yes he would be doing that.

An owl swooped in, depositing a letter before leaving back through the window. Dumbledore plucked the letter up, breaking the wax seal. It was from the Board of Governors for Hogwarts. Apparently they thought the Education board had the right idea and they were going to be sending their own representative to keep track of Hogwarts. Just what he needed on top of everything else.

Taking a pinch of floo powder, Dumbledore threw it into the fire. He had work to do. He needed at least one person of those three to be his own people. Maybe he could get two. He knew for a fact that Regent Slytherin wouldn't be swayed. He was Lord Voldemort after all.

Marvolo walked up the steps of the large castle with controlled confidence. Lord Black had never taken the Dark Mark but Arcturus Black was an old friend. One Marvolo was confident he would out live. He didn't want to out live this old friend. Corvus would also be getting a visit today.

He walked in the grand doors and took the left hall. Down three doors and to the right was a smaller door that Marvolo walked into. It was an office. A grand office, not the small tidy office Arcturus had deeper into Black Castle. The older man was already seated at the desk.

"Tom?" The older man stood up straighter in his seat, "Is that really you?"

Marvolo laughed, "Yes Arcturus, it is me but I go by Marvolo now. You should go to a few Wiznot meetings. They're about to get more fun." He stood until his old friend prompted him to sit.

"When I felt the wards let you in I thought it was Lucius coming for a visit."

Marvolo laughed softly, "No. But I do come to ask a favor. You see I'm going to send a member of my team into Hogwarts to be a contact for young children to come to for abuse. I fear Dumbledore is hiding many more children that have been abused. I've only gotten a list from Severus Snape about children in his house he suspected of abuse. Nineteen were muggles. Three were half bloods. One pure blood but a second son."

Arcturus shook his head, "You want me to go into Hogwarts? With Dumbledore? I'm an old man."

"So is Albus." Marvolo shot back, "Corvus will also be going for the Hogwarts Board of Governors. I also got Reagent Longbottom to be the person going for the Education Department."

Arcturus eyes gleamed, "Corvus and Augusta in the same castle? A dangerous game you play old friend."

"I may stop in to check in on my worker and if the curse suddenly disappears," Marvolo smirked, "Corvus always did love the Dark Arts and Defense."

Arcturus nodded, "You have given me a tempting offer my old friend. One I would be a fool to refuse."

Marvolo held out his hand to shake, "Than I'll see you in two day's time in my office to hatch out all the paperwork, Lord Black."

Arcturus took the hand, "I'll be there Regent Slytherin."

Jace looked over the empty warehouse. They owned the warehouse and the ones around this whole little outcropping of buildings. He wondered briefly what to do with it all. They were getting kids daily just wandering in. They were dirty, beaten, and half starved. Maybe they should put a muggle school here. One for squibs and other magicals for later years. But that was also what their other school was for. A muggle orphanage? It would be a good way to sneak out any magical blooded children. It was what they planned from the beginning and the foundation had already been set.

Hades came up to Jace, standing side by side, "We got a way point in three country's now. Mongolia, Egypt, and America. Now Britain can't claim the space as theirs nor can anyone else. We started on the villages there too. Lord Malfoy contacted both a group of Werewolves and Vampires. Both would love to live in our lands and follow our rules. We promised that if they didn't go on killing sprees or turn people without permission, they would be free to live there."

"That's good," Jace looked around, "I can't believe how far we've come in under a year."

"Magic helps." Hades answered, "We are going to start a muggle orphanage here? Maybe pop up a few good apartments, stores, and a church or two."

"Yeah," Jace smiled, "That would be good. With magic it could make it safe for families."

Hades nodded, "I'll be going back in a matter of days. After what happened in the first year, the second should be more subdued."

"At least some of it should be." Jace agreed, "By the time you come back for Winter Break, this whole area will be redeveloped and our villages will be towns. Marvolo is working on the Government. They need to make a map first, laying out all the areas for settlements, and then holding votes."

"Mavolo's got this, but knowing him, he'll be the boss for a few years." Hades snorted, "How are you and Cole doing?"

Jace flushed, "Fine. Not that it's any of your business."

"You're my big brother. It is my job to make your life miserable."

"Bill has been giving everyone who wants flying lessons; is giving a lesson or two. Most of the younger kids have been ecstatic about it. Even squibs can fly on a broom apparently. I was going to head to Gringgots at some point and ask if they want to join our newly made country and set up a few banks."

"They might not join until we get more people."

"Yeah." Jace grinned suddenly, "We should make a place like Hogwarts. A better place than Hogwarts. Make a few of them. Stick with the magical creature Themes. Call one the Draken and another Manticore. It would be wondrous."

"What would the Orphanage be?"

"Cole hasn't decided on a name. Hey, your friend, Theo. How's he going to be?" Jace jumped too, "I heard he was disowned. It's supposedly a big thing in the Wizarding World of Britain."

"Yeah but Lord Malfoy agreed to adopt him. Theo will have the name Malfoy now. He'll be safe enough." Hades sighed, "I'm more worried about Matt. You know what that asshole did a few months ago?"

"Yeah." Jace scowled, "They got what was deserved to them. Just don't come drenched in blood again, alright? You might scare some people we need away if you do."

Hades sighed, "Fine."

"You make it sound like you're going to die doing such a thing."

"I might." Hades grinned, "You try getting all the blood off without getting spotted by a cop."

"Point to you."

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