Chapter 22

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Augusta Longbottom to the steps up to Hogwarts carefully even if her head was high. One stumble and she'd be on her way back to St. Mongols. She was old now but a fighter. Augusta walked through the doors to the Great Hall. The children would be coming up soon and she wanted to be seated before they arrived. She had told her grandson she'd be here this year. He looked both excited and frightened at the thought. She hadn't a clue how Neville could have gone into Gryffindor like that.

Minerva was already sitting at the table, the chair to her right was open. Augusta took the spot.

"Augusta." Minerva greeted me with a smile, "It's a pleasure to see you. Are you one of the three representatives this year?"

"I am. I'm here on behalf of the Educational department. They've grown concerned with the falling N.E.W.T.s and O.W.L.s. I am also concerned."

Minerva leaned in, "Our lessons keep getting denied little by little every year." She told the woman softly, "I've had to cut Animagus training and the theories about what happens in my study. Human transfiguration has also been cut. I admit it is dangerous but it's better to study here than on your own." Minerva admitted, "And Defence Against the Dark Arts is a joke at this point."

Augusta pursed her lips, "Oh, that does not sound good. You said three. I only know about myself. Who are the other three?"

Minerva pursed her lips, "Well the other two are, Lord Arcturus Black and Lord Corvice Lestrange."

Augusta sucked in a breath, fists clenching in a fight to control her tongue, "Why them?"

"Lord Black was chosen by the Head of Child Welfare. I have to agree with his choice. The Black family was always known for taking care of their children. At least before the madness kicked in."

Augusta nodded.

"As for Lord Lestrange, he's here on vote of the Board of Governors. No doubt, Lord Malfoy led the charge. They both won't be swayed on anything Dumbledore may tell them but they also may spin it in their favor."

Augusta straightened herself, "If this school is falling under Dumbledore, it won't matter. We need someone who's focused on the education of all, not the few." She looked right at Minerva. Frank had told her stories of the four terrors of Gryffindor. They had been bullies but because Dumbledore favored the four, nothing happened to them, "We will find out."

"Yes." Minerva agreed softly, "I will never let something like that happen again."

Hades walked into the Great Hall with a sense of relief. It wasn't his own feelings either. Hogwarts herself felt relieved that Hades had come back. After everything that happened last year she had feared him not returning. It was an odd feeling being connected to something that wasn't supposed to be alive.

He sat down next to Draco on his left and Theo to his right. Blaze was across from them. Greengrass was sitting next to Blaze with Tracy by her side. Crable and Goyle were there but they normally didn't speak to other members of the gangs. They had found friends in their years. They only needed Hades when they had a dispute to recommence.

"Are you going to tell them?" Theo asked, lips close to Hades's ear.

Hades tilted his head before answering, "No. Now is not the time."

Theo nodded once, "Yes sir." Hades frowned. Something about the tone was a little off. Not in a bad way. Hades knew that but something else was there. He'd have to be careful around Theo. At least until he understood what Theo was thinking.

Dinner went smooth for the first half hour until a car came crashing into the main window and into the teacher's table. The whole hall screamed, scattering out the doors. Everyone but a few seventh years and all of the first years. Not knowing where to run too. Up at the teacher's table, well where it was supposed to be, teachers on the ends rushed to the middle.

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