Chapter 15

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Yule wasn't something Hades was use too. First they had started a fire like the start of Samhain, then it was a party apparently. Dancing, drinks, and mingling. Lucius had invited most of the older Lost Boys Gang members only for most to decline. So Narcissa decided to do two parties. One early in the day for the gang at the warehouse and then another that evening for those who wanted to go. The later party was a far more formal event. It was also the reason he was now wearing overly complicated layers of clothing.

The early party was fun. The adults had been semi welcome, seeing that they were now a common sight around the warehouse. The Goblin employees had taken the most interest in talking with all of them. Everyone had seen Narcissa at one point or another in their new medical room to get patched up. Lucius had been far more reserved, sitting in a corner with a neutral face. It was Malfoy junior who had the most response too.

At first the boy had just stood there staring at everyone. It was when the other gangs had joined them with their kids who attended Hogwarts, did Draco start to relax. It wasn't a formal party. It was just a celebration with song and magic. Everyone could feel it. Within moments many people were dancing around. Laughter echoed through the air.

"Hades? You ready?"

Hades was shocked out of his memory, "Yes. I'm ready. Just thinking about the party before. Is this going to be the same?"

Draco winced, "No. This is far more reserved."

Narcissa placed a hand on each of their shoulders, "That's because magic takes delight in children's joy. So Children can feel the magic so strongly. She must have been dancing herself and it rubbed off on everyone there."

A small hand reached into Hades's bigger one. Matt pressed himself so close to Hades it was a surprise they didn't merge into one. Jace had declined the invitation to the formal party saying that he needed to stay at the warehouse since Hades was going. It should have been fine but it was Yule and the more ruthless gangs tended to be brutal on holidays. They couldn't show weakness. When the school was built and Orphanage ready, he might join.

Narcissa led Draco and Hades to the entry hall to greet people as they came. Both Lucius and Draco said it would be good for him to meet others. Only one of them told a half truth. Matt stuck near him, never straying far.

"What's up with him?" Draco complained, when Narcissa had finally led Matt over to the ballroom to get a drink, "It's improper to hang off someone as such."

"He's not hanging off me, Draco." Hades growled back, "Leave him be. This is all new to him."

"Lord Slytherin."

Both boys turned to the newest addition to the doorway. Hades nodded in greeting, pinching Draco when he just gawked, "Uncle." Many people paused at Hades's greeting to the unknown man, "Good to see you. How is Germany?"

"Good. A few last preparations to do before fully moving. Are you sure that going to Drumstrang is out of the question?" The man asked back, making conversation with his nephew.

Hades smiled slightly at the man already rehearsing their back story many times, "I have friends here, Uncle. As much as I hated everyone in that Muggle Orphanage, I still have many friends at Hogwarts. Draco Malfoy, here, being one. Heir to the house of Malfoy."

"Ah, It seems I forgot my manors." Marvolo turned to Draco, "Heir Malfoy, thank you for the invitation to your wondress ancestral home. I'm Regent Marvolo Slytherin."

Draco nodded, chin up in the traditional Malfoy way, "We're honored you accepted the invitation, Regent Slytherin. May we hope this will not be a wasted evening for you."

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