Chapter 8

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Hades started writing back and forth in a duo magical books or book brothers. They had a magical connection so when one was written in, it would show up in the other book. He decided to talk back and forth with his new Goblin accountant. He was also writing to Jace. Between the two of them they were all making the warehouse more of an orphanage and sanctuary than a gang hide out.

It was also decided that they'd start a school. A primary school for everyone before the older squibs or lower magic children can learn. Lucius had jumped on board bringing in other older families to start funding it. The Goblins had picked out a large abandoned network of Warehoused in the middle of London. They were going to start with warding it this summer after all the planning was done. Hades had asked his Goblin manager if the team from his curse braking would be the ones to ward the area. He was told that, that team was already under security measures and would be called for the warding. It was going to be an interesting summer it seems.

Sitting down on the first day of the second month. Professor McGonagall set a test sheet down with a quill, "I would like you to take this test during the lesson. You'll still have to do the essay."

Hades nodded, "May I have a silencing ward for quiet?"

"Of course." McGonagall agreed, "Start at any time." She waved her wand and the area around him quieted. He got to work.

It was like that for every class throughout the week. First were theory tests then practical tests during double lessons. Sitting down Monday of the second week McGonagall set down his two test scores. She let him read through the tests and comments. When Hades set it down McGonagall sighed, "This was a placement test. It's supposed to determine what year students are to be put in when transferring. As you can see, you passed far over the benchmarks for even seventh years. After you see other scores from tests, we wish to move you up a few grades. To do that we will have to talk with your Parents."

Hades sighed, taking the glamor off one of his rings, "Professor, I'm under the last in line clause."

"Ah, well." McGonagall pursed her lips, "Do you have any Guardian of sorts. The diction will ultimately be yours."

"Ma'am, I have no Guardian or Parents. I would prefer to learn beyond what is taught here or something challenging. I've also noticed that the books in the library do not match with the curriculum we are taught."

The woman looked slightly shocked at his congestion before growing concerned. Shoving the main problem to the side first she asked, "The library doesn't have books you need?"

"No ma'am. I tried looking for a Patronus charm after an upper year talked about it and found nothing. Even asked Professor Flictwik and he found nothing in the forbidden section either. He found books lacking too."

"Alright then. Do you want a mastery in any subject? You'll have to wait until the end of the year to take any OWLs for main subjects and we can move you to some of the extracurricular courses."

Hades tilted his head, "Can I see what I need for Mastery in all the subjects that hold Masteries?"

"I'll inform your head of house." She promised, "For now, I want you to work on becoming an Animagus. Your test shows, you know what that means. It is a requirement for Transfiguration Mastery."

"I'll start that then."

Minerva nodded, "And it will stay between me and you. And Madam Poppy when you end up there."

Hades laughed softly, pulling out a book when students started to come in. It was the same in every class. He had passed both Practical and Theoretical NEWT finals. The only Teacher who said he could get better was Snape but it was pleasing. High praise from the man. It was also Snape's advice to start working in the Mind Arts. Hades didn't dare tell him that he's been practicing part of it for years without even realizing it. He had started it when he needed a happy place all those years ago. It had grown from there.

Ending the week off with one last thing. And Hades didn't even start it.

Draco glared at the group taking up a corner of the Commons doing what looked to be homework. They had both Parchment and Muggle paper spread out around them. Books were either neatly stacked next to them or opened to a desired page. Just looking at them sent outrage slamming into him. These- these- these mudbloods! were taking his position as Slytherin Prince and the future King spots.

Stomping over, Draco hissed, "What is all this for Mudbloods?!"

All of them didn't even glance his way. Everyone else in the common room however turned to watch. They had all predicted it would happen sooner or later but they thought it was to be more subtle. More Slytherin.

"Answer me!"

Hades calmly placed a marker in the book he was reading before setting it down, "Is there something wrong Heir Malfoy?"

That seemed to infuriate the blonde more, "You surround yourself with filthy little mudbloods all the time one would think you are one."

Hades leaned forward, propping his arms on the table, "Is that how you see it? Tell me, what do you even know about the muggle world?"

"Who cares. It's beneath us. Shows you want to live in the mud all the more."

"Then you don't know that they have things that can watch everywhere you go. Things that monitor you everywhere even when no one is there. They have weapons that destroy entire cities in a matter of seconds. They have Poisons that eat your flesh from the inside out. You know what else they have," Hades knew, he had everyone on the edge of their seats, "You can kill ten muggles with a flick of your wand, yes? Well try having a thousand to one odds. For every one Wizard there are a thousand mudbloods. Don't think you're so special just because you can do something they can't. Your powers, status, and money mean nothing to them."

Draco visibly swallowed.

Hades leaned back pulling his book back to himself, "And Heir Draco, call me or my friends mudbloods again, and we'll show you what a bunch of mudbloods can do. I also recommend growing up."

"My father will hear about this!" Draco shot back, "He'll have you out on the streets in no time. You're all here because you're using the muggle financial help."

"Go ahead and tell him. While you're at it, you might also tell him how improper you are at representing the house of Malfoy. It's a disgrace. You shame your name and the house of Slytherin with all your fights and bullying."

Everyone sucked in a sharp inhale waiting for Draco's reaction. But nothing came. Draco was gaping, open mouthed, very un-Slytherin like, at Hades. It took a long moment before Heir Malfoy thought over what was told to him before turning green. Hastily Crabbe and Goyle Shimmied forward and bowed.

"Please forgive our actions!" Goyle stumbled out, "How are we to honor our house and eradicate our shame?"

Hades nodded, "For one, you should stop being dogs following a master. You may be Vessels of the house of Malfoy, but you don't serve him as a slave." Sneering at the two, "You both are far more intelligent than that."

They rapidly nodded glancing once at Draco before leaving the boy to rot. The boy looked angry, fearful, confused, and sputtering all at the same time.

"Is that all Heir Malfoy?"

Draco pursed his lips, "What do you want?"

"Want?" Hades laned forward, "I want nothing. I have all that I'll ever need. What could you give me I don't have? Money? I have plenty. Votes? Political Power? I'll have all that in a matter of a few years. What can you give me that I don't already have?"

Draco winced, biting the inside of his cheek, "Then tell me how to unblemish my name and restore my honor."

Hades smirked then, "You are to heed my advice for the next month. That means when I tell you something, you'll use the best of your ability to do as I ask. You won't be a servant, but you will not drag me down with you. Understand?"

"Yes." Draco took a deep breath, "Yes, Heir Slytherin."

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