Chapter 20

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Hades was sitting with Jace once again but now in one of the newly designed Laws and Goverment Classroom. Across the hall was the Muggle History Classroom and the Muggle Technological studies was right next door. Wizarding Traditions was next door to the main History Classroom. On the top floor were all the Potion Classrooms so if anything blew up it wouldn't risk the structural integrity of the building.

"So," Hades started, "Is there a point to these now?" He held up his marked forearm, where the crescent moon was with the two stars.

Jace looked at the gang tattoo and sighed, "I don't know. The Ravens and Lost Boys are gone from the gangs but others are still out there. They want to keep their magicals from what I know. Who knows, you can use it to know who your friends are and who isn't."

Hades hummed, "My first home. My first family. I rather not lose it all."

Jace looked out the window, "It's not that we're losing it, it's just changing."

"But is it right?" Hades questioned, "We've been in full sprint since finding out about magic. Maybe we should sit back and just watch for a while."

Jace smiled softly, "Make a home."

"A home would be nice."

Regent Slytherin walked into this day's session of the Wiznot. He was proposing his acts today without the orphanage up and running yet. He hoped Dumbledore would think he could still delay the construction. Walking up to his seat, Marvolo sat to wait.

For once it seemed Dumbledore was on time, probably hoping no other surprises would be coming to this meeting. Marvolo smiled to himself. Today was going to be an eventful meeting. He'd asked Minister Fudge to personally introduce the subject to the Wiznot. It made it so Dumbledore couldn't block his paperwork going through.

Dumbledore banged his gavel to bring the meeting to order. They went over attendance, votes, and then any auditions to the Wiznot. No one new came up and they started. Fudge stood up and introduced the issue and then gave it to Marvolo.

"As Fudge introduced, in my department we have already given many people with concerns about children. They're walking around with black eyes, broken bones, and one was even checked in at St Margos with a collapsed lung from a hard hit to his chest. I would like to get both investigators and be able to work side by side with the DMLE to get these kids to a safe location."

Dumbledore opened his mouth to, no doubt, dismiss the accusations. Aurora Bones was the one to speak up, "I would be happy to create a small team for you to utilize Regent Slytherin."

"That solves one problem. Thank you Madam Bones."

Regent Longbottom stood up, "You are asking to create an orphanage."

"No. I'm asking to remove children after an investigation when we find out the child is in an unsuitable place. I take it no one wants to see these children abused." Marvolo pulled the right words.

"Of course not!" Fudge yelled.

"Do you have a place for these kids?" Lord Nott snarled.

Marvolo gave him a long look, "We have families who have agreed to give temporary refuge until a home can be built for them." There was a spark in Dumbledore's eyes. Now it was time for the trigger pull... after getting his votes.

"All in favor of giving the combined power to both DMLE and Child Welfare to extract children from abusive households." Fudge called out. Everyone but a few raised their hands, "The vote passed. Is there anything else, Regent Slytherin."

"Yes." Marvolo turned right to Dumbledore, "Now under normal circumstances I would not bring a case to the Wiznot but this one has stumped me and I think only the Wiznot can help. Chief Warlock Dumbledore, tell me something, it is illegal for a child to have a wand if they don't go to school or have at least one OWL."

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