Chapter 35

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Albus shuffled into a seat in the ICWs council courtroom. He sat up in the visitor's area as he was no longer a part of the council. He'd stepped down after learning that Harry was dead. He'd had a lot of work trying to contain that bombarta of a mess. Then turning to his replacement pawn, Nevile. He'd heard only a few hours ago that Peter Petegrew had been found by the ICWs Law Enforcement and going to conduct their own trial. Asking for Sirius Black to attend with a Layare. Ablus couldn't believe it and rushed to get here on time.

The council came in right as the clocks struck nine and the doors were closed behind them. The ICW council was made up of thirteen people. Twelve neutral parties and one speaker. Santos sat down in the middle of the twelve, acting as the speaker. She would be the tie breaker should it come to that. Once they settled down and everyone was seated, Santos called the court to order.

"Scribe please read off what you have as of now." Santos called out.

A young man stood up with a sheet of paper in hand, "The Council of the International Confederation of Wizards calls to order on the April 17th 1995 at nine a.m."

Santos banged her gavel, "I hereby start this trial of Sirius Black and the questioning of Peter Petegrew. Bring in both of the accused."

Albus watched as Peter was dragged in. The man refused to use his legs and the two guards had to be physically dragged in. He was sat in a chair and was instantly chained. When no other person was dragged out, Santos frowned, "Where is Black?"

A man sitting in front stood up, "He will reveal himself only under the promise of being given Veritaserum and not chained."

Santos nodded, "I will agree to both but if he becomes volatile, he will be chained in place. Am I understood?"

"Completely Ma'am." The man turned and Albus saw that it was Marvolo Slytherin. Albus felt his lips curl and quickly made his face blank. Marvolo waved the large black dog out from under his seat, "Go sit over there." He pointed to the chair.

Slinking over the dog jumped up onto the chair and shifted back into the man known as Sirius Black. Everyone stared at the man. He looked somewhat washed up with worn clothes but it was clear the man was painfully thin. Peter paled, trying and failing to run away.

"Alright." Santos nodded to Black, "Now that everyone is here, we'll start this off. Since Veritaserum was asked and is willingly being used, we'll start with Sirius Black. Do you consent?"

"Yes," Sirius's voice cracked and stuttered from unused. A guard handed him a glass of water, "Yes, ma'am. I consent."

The Court healer came forward and poured three drops onto Black's tongue. They watched at Black's eyes misted over and became unfocused. They waited one full minute until Santos asked, "What is your full name?"

"Sirius Orion Black."

"Who are your Parents?"

"Orion Black and Walburga Black."

"The Potion is at work." Santos noted, "Where were you the day of the Potters' deaths?"

"I was working that day. James was on permanent emergency leave since he was in hiding. When I was done, I went home. After some time of pacing and an urgent feeling in my gut, I went to Peter's. He wasn't home. It wasn't right. Peter had no job. He was getting paid to be James and Lily's secret keeper. Worried, I went to James and Lily's."

"Were you the Potters' secret keeper?"


"Who was the secret keeper?'

"Peter Petegrew."

"Did you kill Peter Petegrew?"


"Did you kill any of the Muggles in the struggle between you and Peter?"


Santos paused at that. She had presumed it had been an accident in the fight between him and Peter, "You can administer the antidote." The healer did so and Black came back slowly, "Now we move on to Mr. Petegrew." She pierced him with a dark look, "Administer the Veritaserum."

"I don't consent!" Peter screeched, pulling away even as the healer and guards closed in on him, "I DON'T CONSENT!" But it was too late. The Guards forced Peter's jaw open and the healer dropped three drops. Peter's movements became slow until he was sitting still in the chair for the first time.

Santos got the nod from the Healer and started, "What is your name?"

"Peter Petegrew."

"Who are your parents?"

"Mary Petegrew and an unknown Father."

Whispers went through the court but it was quickly silenced.

"Where were you the night of the Potters' deaths?"

"I was at my Lord's side. I was summoned to his side asking for the secret. I gave it to him. That evening he took me to the Potter's location and told no one else. I watched as he killed James Potter. Heard him tell Lily to stand aside three times before killing her. When he tried to kill Harry however, there came a bright white shield that sent a shock wave of magic through the building. I killed my Lord instantly, turning him to dust. I grabbed his wand and fled."

"Were you the Potters' secret keeper?"


"Did you give Lord Voldemort their location?"



"The dark side was winning. I had to be on the winning side."

"Did you kill twelve muggles in your flee?"



"I launched a bombarta into a muggle gas line. The whole block went up in an explosion."

Santos sighed, "Administer the antidote." The healer rushed to do so. When Peter came out he was far more subdued and quiet as everyone glared at the man. The board went to debate the outcome. It wasn't a long time before all of them came back. Not even twenty minutes had passed before Sirius and Peter were waiting for the results.

Santos stood and looked at the two, "We find Sirius Black cleared of all charges and given a small sum of Gallons for the lack of trial. We can not do more as it was not us who first trialed you. Peter Petagruew, we find you guilty of twelve counts of murder, assisting in the murder of two, and petafilea of minors. We sentence you to death." Two dark robed figures came out, a dark mask covering their faces, "I ask all those who wish to leave, to do so now." No one moved, "Your sentence is to be carried out now." The gavel struck and the two cloaked figures shot the killing spell at the same time. Peter fell to the ground, dead.

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